Elevators Are Never a Good Thing

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Summary: When Yelena is heading out to go get Fanny so they can go with Natasha to the dog park, she ends up on the elevator with Darcy Lewis and Kate Bishop. However, little does she know that what should be a brief elevator ride together is about to turn into a much longer ordeal than she had bargained for.

   Yelena wasted no time in hurrying over to the elevator, feeling a happiness filling her heart as she thought of the day ahead of her.

Natasha had been doing paperwork all day, and Yelena had finally managed to harass her into taking a break. Natasha had told Yelena that if she went home and got Fanny, Natasha would go with them to the dog park and they could spend some time together. Yelena, for one, was extremely excited and pleased with the prospect because she really was looking forward to some one-on-one time with her big sister.

Yelena headed into the elevator, pressing the button for the ground floor as she fiddled with her vest, more than eager to draw Natasha away from her work. She honestly had wanted to just snuggle with her but going and playing at the dog park would also be fun because she was already planning how she would tackle Natasha and throw her onto the ground so that she and Fanny could get her.

However, to her surprise, the elevator's descent was interrupted as it stopped, and she looked up from her vest at the doors as she very surprisedly took in the sight of Darcy Lewis.

She was terribly shocked as she stared at her for a moment, and Darcy looked largely unsurprised as she offered her a bit of a smile and entered the elevator. Yelena had truly thought that Darcy had left for good and that they would not see her after that small period of time that she spent there at the compound when Thor brought her there after she had been kicked out of her apartment.

So, knowing that she had to cover up this surprise, Yelena made the decision to approach the situation as she always did whenever she was uncomfortable or anything less than perfectly prepared.

"Oh, joy, what are you doing here? Back for another round of fun?" Yelena questioned, making sure that her tone communicated nothing but the most unhappiness with the girl's presence, and Darcy raised an eyebrow as she stood not too far from Yelena. Truthfully, Yelena was not really unhappy to see her, but she was more shocked and not about to let Darcy see a more vulnerable side of her.

"You didn't hear? When I stayed here for those few days, Mr. Stark decided that I could help him out with research and tech and stuff, so he offered me a place here. So, it took me a little while to get all of my stuff together, and here I am now," Darcy explained breezily, and Yelena groaned, shaking her head.

At least now she had some answers. However, she was not about to let up on Darcy now. Not after all the sarcasm that Darcy had thrown on her the last time that she saw her. Darcy could perfectly hold her own against Yelena's humor.

"Delightful news," Yelena replied drily, and Darcy just ignored her largely as she smiled a little but did not bother replying.

Yelena could not help but feel a little irritation at the fact that Darcy was so hard to crack. However, she did have to admit, it was nice to see someone that was not afraid of her and that had no problem giving it back to her. It was like her sort-of friendship with Carol, which was also built on some form of respect on Yelena's part because Carol was not intimidated by her either.

There was a weird silence between them for a few moments, and Yelena was quiet as she tried to think of something to say to fill it. It was making her uneasy for some reason.

Of course, elevators themselves regardless of the company had a tendency to make her uneasy. Elevators in the Red Room were never a good thing because it always led to a visit to Dreykov's office. And that was never a good thing for the girls ordered to come up there because there were only two outcomes.

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