Family Weekend: Part 7

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Summary: When Yelena and Natasha come to take care of Lila, Nate, and Cooper for the weekend so Clint and Laura can have some time to themselves, Yelena is somewhat nervous and Natasha is excited beyond belief. Yelena's worries slowly fade away and Natasha is even more fond of her kids after a weekend of fun and aggravation in which Yelena gets to know the kids even better and Natasha gets to spend time with some of her favorite people in the world.

   "Phew.... I guess Bonnie and Clyde are coming home soon," Yelena declared as she sat down on the couch heavily next to Natasha. Natasha grinned a little in response to Yelena's declaration, and Yelena leaned heavily into her, resting her chin on Natasha's shoulder as she just slumped against her. Natasha wasted no time in wrapping an arm around the younger woman.

The both of them were exhausted from the events of the day. After they had came back inside from playing in the snow, they had spent just a little time inside to eat brunch, and then they had headed back out again. Yelena had exhausted herself fully, and she found that she wanted nothing more right now than to just curl against her big sister and relax.

The kids were upstairs changing into pajamas, and they were going to put on a movie to watch there on the couch. Yelena and Natasha had gotten dressed before the kids, so they were just downstairs waiting on them to join in.

"Yeah... I guess so," Natasha agreed with a warm chuckle, kissing Yelena's head. Yelena hummed at the affection, pressing her nose into Natasha's neck as she nuzzled the warm skin gently.

Yelena honestly had been riding on a serious high ever since Nate had called her his aunt, but now that things had calmed down just a little, she found that a relaxing sense of comfortableness and contentment was coming over her that made her sleepy.

However, the thought of his new name for her brought that pit of excitement and nervousness in her stomach, and she kept her face buried in Natasha's neck as she thought about it.

"I'm... I'm an aunt now?" Yelena murmured the question, feeling the vulnerability gripping her just a little as she felt the need to voice her thoughts aloud to the one person that could make her feel better about them.

"It certainly looks that way," Natasha whispered to her, and Yelena could hear the smile in her voice as she tilted her head down slightly to press her nose against Yelena's head. Yelena felt her heart swelling even more at Natasha's confirmation.

"Auntie Lena!" a voice suddenly called from nearby and Yelena pulled her head out of Natasha's neck to look at the source of the noise. Nate was hurrying up to her, and Yelena happily opened her arms as he clambered into her lap. She hugged him warmly, pressing her forehead against his as she closed her eyes with a smile.

"Hey, myshka! You ready for our movie?" Yelena questioned and he nodded quickly with a giant smile. Yelena glanced at Natasha with pure joy, grinning at the older woman. Natasha returned her smile, her arm still around Yelena affectionately.

To Yelena's surprise, Lila came and sat down next to her, and Yelena smiled at her just a little, feeling somewhat more comfortable around the girl largely due to their talk earlier. She knew that Natasha was indubitably Lila's favorite, but she was really happy that Lila did care about her and thought she was cool, too.

"Yeah, Aunt Lena... What're we watching?" Lila asked, and Yelena felt as if her heart might stop as she gaped at the girl. Lila was looking at her with the barest hints of nervousness in her eyes, but there was a considerable amount of warmth as well.

Yelena quickly attempted to pull herself together despite the fact that she was sure she was going to cry, forcing a smile on her face as she avoided the girl's gaze.

"I don't know... Ask Natashka," Yelena told her, trying to keep her voice steady as she looked over at Natasha with something between excitement and pure happy tears. Natasha smiled back at her, her own eyes looking a little glassy with tears, and she took a breath.

"Maybe since it's close to Christmas... We could watch Elf?" Natasha offered, and everyone expressed varying responses of agreement, Cooper sitting down on the other side of Natasha. Natasha wasted no time in turning on the movie for them, having already pulled up the DVR.

The movie began to play, and Yelena held Nate in her arms, the boy leaning back against her as he watched the television and played with her hand that was not attached to the arm around Natasha. Yelena leaned a bit into Natasha's side, the redhead's arm draped around her shoulders. Natasha would occasionally bring her hand over to scratch gently at the back of Yelena's neck, and Yelena felt strongly that this was heaven as she inevitably felt her eyelids growing heavier despite the humor of the movie.

However, she soon felt Natasha move her head around behind her for just a moment, and Yelena furrowed her brow, trying to figure out what the redhead was doing. But Natasha quickly withdrew, resting her head against Yelena's yet again as she returned to watching the movie. Yelena was going to ask what Natasha had been doing, but she was quickly distracted by Natasha gently tugging at the less sensitive baby hairs on the back of her neck, and Yelena forgot everything in favor of enjoying the attention offered to her.

But she quickly froze when Lila suddenly leaned into her side, resting her head against Yelena's shoulder. Yelena glanced over at her quickly, but Lila just kept watching the movie before them.

Part of Yelena was severely uncomfortable right now, but another part of her was absolutely overwhelmed by the love that she was being shown by everyone surrounding her. Yelena finally helplessly looked at Natasha after several moments, not sure how she should react. Natasha just smiled at her softly, pressing a kiss to Yelena's nose gently before moving her head in Lila's direction.

Yelena very hesitantly allowed herself to lean her head against Lila's ever so slowly. She would have just wrapped her arm around the girl, but Nate was currently busy playing with her hand and she did not want to take it from his grasp.

Apparently, that must have been the right motion because Lila snuggled into her a bit more deeply. Yelena looked over at Natasha again, and Natasha just smiled, squeezing the back of Yelena's neck affectionately.

Yelena quickly averted her gaze as Nate moved a bit to the side, his head resting on Yelena's chest as he grew sleepier. Yelena raised her hand up, placing it on his back as she held him closer and rubbed his back gently.

Yelena swallowed hard, her lips turning downward as she closed her eyes tightly for a moment, trying to control the tears she knew were coming. She managed to get through it with only a few of them slipping down her cheeks, and she swiftly felt Natasha lean over and kiss her cheek near her jaw. Yelena gazed at her gratefully, her vision a little blurry from the unshed tears in her eyes. Natasha mouthed an "I love you" and Yelena wasted no time in returning it, her gaze locked onto those beautiful light greens that were looking at her as if she were the entire world.

This was just the most perfect thing that Yelena had ever experienced, and for the first time at the Bartons, she felt like she truly belonged. She belonged there with Natasha's other family, and she officially had a place. She was their Aunt Lena.

And as long as she was alive and breathing, she would be the best aunt she could possibly be to these kids.

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