Reunion: Part 7

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Summary: Natasha was one to generally savor solitude, but it seemed that somehow Yelena, within a few short days together, was able to completely wreck that persona.


Natasha reunites with Yelena about a week after they took down the Red Room together and they both struggle to try to navigate their new dynamics, wanting to be close but not quite knowing how.

   The next morning, Natasha awoke to the worst news that she had heard since she found out that the Red Room was still in operation.

She had been very peacefully sleeping with her baby sister, whom of which she was very shocked to discover sleeping actually physically on top of her that morning. Despite the somewhat awkwardness of the situation, Natasha had found her heart melting and everything within her filling with contentment.

However, even though she had been very happy to have her sister so close, Natasha had known that the girl would likely die of embarrassment if she realized that she was in that position. So Natasha had carefully moved her over so that she would not wake up.

As Natasha had been getting out of bed and getting dressed, she had received the phone call. Which brought her to where she was now, discussing the most recent disaster with Mason.

"I've gotten word that they've been sniffing around some of the old safehouses that they checked while they were on your trail, and I've heard that they're in Norway," Mason told her. Natasha cursed under her breath, looking out her window in the kitchen area.

"How much time do I have?" Natasha asked, forcing indifference into her tone and even a slight annoyance as she tried to avoid showing the emotions that were coursing just under the surface so strongly that they felt as if they would burst out at any moment.

"Natasha, you need to get out of there now or at least within the day. I'm not sure how long it'll be before the feds are right on top of you," Mason explained over the phone, anxiousness lacing his tone. Natasha let out a deep breath, feeling so many different emotions welling up within her all at once as she paced through the kitchen.

Natasha had not been ready to leave this spot in heaven just yet. Granted, the generator was out, the temperature was unforgiving at best, and the place she had here was small and messy, but it was pure bliss because it had the one thing that Natasha could not seem to have anywhere else.

It gave her alone, one-on-one time that she could spend with her sister.

Natasha finally let out a deep breath, already mapping out a mental getaway route as she eyed the area behind the place carefully.

She was hesitant to take the car because she knew that it would be easier for them to see and track her if she was in a vehicle. Antonia had proven that not too long ago with their great chase in Budapest. Of course, the U.S. government was not nearly as skilled as Antonia Dreykov, but Natasha still did not want to take any chances.

However, she knew that there was some water that ran not too far away, and she was immediately thinking of the boat that she had found left unattended there on the waterside. She knew that it was not going to be easy to row it so far away, but she figured that it would likely be one of the fastest and most untraceable options. Especially if they brought K-9 forces with them.

"Okay. Is the Budapest safehouse back in commission?" Natasha asked, dreading the answer but allowing herself to be momentarily optimistic.

"No, I haven't had time to go over and fix your and your sister's mess just yet," he replied, and Natasha resisted the eyeroll at his insinuation that she and Yelena had made that mess. She groaned, her mind racing to think of a safe place that was not too terribly far away. So much for optimism.

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