It's About You, Too

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Summary: Ever since Natasha had that nightmare and spent the night in Yelena's bed with her, she has been acting terrible odd. As Yelena grows increasingly desperate to find out what's wrong, the truth ends up exposing itself. A follow-up to "Deserving."

   "Okay, what is it?" Yelena demanded finally one night when they were sitting on the couch, her eyes shifting over to stare at Natasha as she turned her head to watch her reaction. Natasha looked at her strangely, seeming terribly uncertain of the situation and almost wary as she eyed her.

The past few days since the nightmare and since she had spent the night in Yelena's bed with her, Natasha had been acting increasingly off, and Yelena was honestly terribly puzzled as to what was wrong with her and had been diligently trying to figure out what precisely was going on.

Unfortunately, it was growing increasingly unclear and even more worrisome for her over time. Mostly because Natasha never answered and always found something else to go do or some manner of distraction that would stop the conversation and allow her to escape.

"What's what?" Natasha questioned uncertainly in reply.

"Why are you moping around so much? You look so miserable," Yelena told her, and Natasha shook her head, still bearing that strangely sad countenance that she had worn for the past several days.

"I'm fine," she replied, and Yelena let out a deep, irritated breath as she looked to the redhead. After just a moment, she finally decided that she was going to suck it up and go for it to get to the bottom of this. She shut off the television abruptly and turned her body more fully to face her.

"No, don't tell me that. You've been weird with me lately, and you've been pulling away. Have I upset you?" Yelena asked, feeling her stomach turning a little as she looked at the redhead. She had been quite honestly terrified that she had done something to her, and the last thing that she wanted to do was lose her sister over something that she had done.

Natasha shook her head quickly in negation, and Yelena immediately felt a bit of concern and aggravation rising within her. She did not understand why Natasha was being so stubborn about this.

"It's... No, you haven't done anything," Natasha assured her, seeming perplexed at best, and Yelena narrowed her eyes as she stared at her, trying to figure her out. Natasha was just persistently remaining as stoic as ever.

"Then what's the problem?" Yelena asked, and Natasha shook her head, starting to get up from the couch. Yelena immediately felt irritation rising within her. Natasha was trying to run away. Again.

But Yelena was not going to let her do it this time. She was not about to get away without the truth coming out tonight.

"It's nothing. Look, I've got to go and—"

"No, you don't. You're always having to do things when I ask you what's wrong, and that's not working this time," Yelena informed her firmly, standing up quickly as she pursued her. Natasha stood still, but she looked like she wanted nothing more than to escape the situation.

Yelena stepped nearer to her.

"So I'll ask one more time. What's going on with you?" Yelena demanded, her voice leaving no room for argument.

However, whenever there seemed to be no room for argument, Natasha in her never-failing stubbornness always managed to make some.

"There's nothing wrong! We're fine, and I'm fine," Natasha disputed, and Yelena growled under her breath as she felt the frustration rising up even more. Most of her concern was now being replaced with overwhelming irritation at Natasha's obstinacy.

Widow Sisters and Friends (Restoring Our Broken Hearts)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora