Let the Thunder Roll

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Summary: When a thunderstorm hits in the middle of the night, Yelena jerks awake and is terrified as flashbacks come flooding back to her. She knows that there is only one person who can help her through this-- Natasha. But Yelena is very hesitant to go to her because she does not want her big sister to think she is cowardly. Little does she know that her sister can completely understand her fears.

   Yelena's eyes snapped wide open as a terrifyingly loud sound resounded. Yelena rose up immediately, reaching for the gun that she kept beside her bed as she looked around the room fearfully. She did not know what had caused that noise, but she was fully prepared to start shooting.

After several long moments, she heard another crash, and she quickly realized it was thunder. She shakily put the gun back in its place, and Yelena only could see flashes of the survival runs that she would have to go through with other widows. The thunder would shake the forest and they would be forced to survive independently of one another, somehow figuring out ways to live through the freezing cold temperatures and ice-cold wind and rain whipping at their skin.

The very memory of such things sent shudders through her, and Yelena crossed her arms over her body.

The thunder let loose again, and Yelena stiffened hard with the sound. She shut her eyes tightly, but all she could see was the mud and the water rushing down the hill.

She saw the dead body of one of the girls she had used to train with every day, her blank eyes staring straight ahead as her limp limbs laid about her, the tips of her fingers turning black with the frostbite she had been trying to stave off.

The thunder shook the entirety of the house again, and Yelena jerked with the sound as it ran through her entire being. She had only one thought on her mind as she opened her eyes. The one and only person that could help her through all of this was her sister or at least her sister's presence.

Yelena immediately got off the bed, unable to take it anymore, and she quickly padded over to her bedroom door. She really did not want to have to go to Natasha even though she knew the redhead would receive her with open arms. She did not want to look weak in front of Natasha over something as silly as a thunderstorm.

However, as another clap of thunder erupted through the little house, Yelena wasted no time in opening the door and heading across the hall over to Natasha's room. She hesitated before entering Natasha's room. She looked down at the floor, knowing that there were creaky floorboards throughout the house and that Natasha had some in her room as well.

Yelena carefully stepped through the room, hesitantly working her way over to the bed where Natasha was lying. She knew that if she made any noise, it would alert the redhead, and she would wake up to see Yelena looking at her like a creep.

As soon as Yelena was near the bed, she very carefully raised up the edge of the blankets and she slid underneath, figuring that she would just wait out the storm next to Natasha until it calmed enough for her to go back to her room. She was scared and she knew the flashbacks would haunt her even after the thunderstorm, but she definitely did not want to look childish in front of Natasha for being terrified of a storm of all things.

When the blankets surrounded her, Natasha's scent flooded her every sense, and Yelena immediately felt somewhat better. However, as the thunder resounded loudly once again, Yelena jerked a bit and closed her eyes tightly as she desperately hoped she had not awoken Natasha. She tucked her head underneath the blankets, trying to more fully envelop herself with everything that was Natasha.

After a few moments, just as soon as she was convinced that Natasha must have somehow slept through the movement, she suddenly felt gentle yet strong arms wrapping around her middle and tugging her against a warm body.

Widow Sisters and Friends (Restoring Our Broken Hearts)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن