Even If It Takes Forever

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Summary: Yelena has been practicing her moves, and she is determined to spar with Natasha and win. However, just when she thinks that she will win for the first time against her sister, she is bested by Natasha and pinned on the mats. She grows frustrated, and she refuses to fight any further. However, Natasha gives her some motivation to fight back...

   "I am so kicking your butt," Yelena announced, allowing the grin threatening to overtake her face to blossom. Natasha just eyed her with that typical enigmatic expression. However, Yelena could easily see the challenge in her eyes as she raised an eyebrow just barely.

"We'll see," Natasha replied with mock superiority, and Yelena could not help laughing just a little, feeling the thrill of the fight starting to run through her with the very idea of the spar that was about to begin.

The both of them were going to practice their sparring today. Yelena had been training really hard as of late, determined to defeat Natasha. The last time they had sparred, Natasha had won, and Yelena had been absolutely humiliated by the entire ordeal.

She had wanted to show her big sister that she was a worthy opponent and an excellent fighter. However, when she had blown her chance so royally, she had somehow managed to keep her intense disappointment to herself and she had simply resolved to work harder to beat the redhead.

"I won't hold it against you if you cry when I'm through with you, Natashka," Yelena taunted playfully, bouncing on her toes as she collected her energy and started focusing it.

Natasha just carefully stretched on her side of the ring, pulling her arms across her body as her eyes glinted with something positively wicked. It made Yelena even more excited to fight with the knowledge that Natasha was obviously not going to go easy on her today.

"Don't worry, Yelena. When I'm out of fight mode, I'll just be crying with guilt for what I did to you," Natasha sent the sarcasm right back to her, and Yelena grinned widely as Natasha stopped stretching, popping her neck before approaching the center of the ring.

"What? Guilt for letting your little sister win?" Yelena asked, stepping up to face Natasha with a wild smile on her face. Natasha tilted her head, and Yelena could see the fondness in her expression. However, Yelena could also see the determination and competitiveness setting into her.

"You talk a lot of smack for someone who's never managed to beat me before. You ready to back all that up, little one?" Natasha questioned, holding out her fist to initiate the fight. Yelena grinned widely before moving up and stopping just before she touched Natasha's fist.

"One last chance for you to back out before I humiliate you," Yelena offered, enjoying her own comment greatly as she chuckled a little, the excitement of doing something so thrilling with her sister running through her veins and heightening the adrenaline rush.

"I'd almost think you were nervous with all of this delay. I hope you're ready," Natasha spoke with a slight smirk, bumping her fist against Yelena's. Yelena stepped back, moving into her fighting position as she grinned.

"I was born ready," Yelena uttered. As soon as the words passed between her lips, she lunged at the redhead, aiming to catch her off-guard. However, Natasha swiftly dodged the lunge, and Yelena spun in her direction, allowing a small smirk in response to Natasha's moves.

"Sneaky," Yelena commented before swinging several more punches and kicks. After a moment, she darted forward with a left hook. She happily noted that she actually managed to catch Natasha off-guard slightly as the redhead let out a slight grunt of surprise as she almost broke through the redhead's defenses. Natasha chuckled just a little, her eyes warm as she eyed the younger woman.

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