Defending Honor

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Summary: When Yelena and Steve go out on a mission together to capture some targets, Yelena ends up returning covered in blood but fortunately mostly unharmed. Natasha is terribly worried, and it ends up being revealed that Yelena killed every last one of them. Why? Because no one is allowed to say anything bad about her big sis.

   Natasha nervously played with the remote, flipping through the channels and valiantly attempting to resist the temptation to call her sister and check on her.

Steve and Yelena had gone to capture some henchman from a Russian mafia for questioning and interrogation about their leaders. It was originally meant to be something that Steve and Nat did together, but Yelena had begged to go in her sister's stead so that she could have the immense enjoyment of telling Alexei that she went on a special mission with Captain America. Of course, Natasha had also known that the blonde was jumping for an opportunity to show that she was just efficient as her sister and to try for being an Avenger so she could fight side-by-side with Natasha all the time.

Natasha hated to send Yelena on a mission where she would not be with her, but she knew her sister was extremely skilled. Also, the heartwarming sentiment that was behind Yelena's excitement and insistence melted Natasha's heart and her resolve with it.

The redhead was quickly stirred from her thoughts as footsteps resounded outside the door. Natasha listened carefully, and easily recognized that it was two people. One of them had a heavier stride and the other was quicker and much softer in the delivery of the steps. She quickly had a good idea of who the two were. She stood up swiftly, and started heading to the door, standing not too far from it so that she could see who was coming in for sure when they entered.

However, to Natasha's shock and initial horror as the pair entered the door, she found herself looking at her baby sister being practically dragged into the room by Steve with her head bleeding, the cut dripping from above her eyebrow. The majority of her body had blood peppered all over it, but judging from the way she easily moved, Natasha assumed that the majority of it was not her own. This brought her some comfort, but the air surrounding the blonde did not reassure Natasha.

"Nat, you need to take care of her," Steve informed the redhead as he held on firmly to the blonde's arm. She jerked herself from his hold, looking almost feral as she seemed as if she would strike at anyone or anything. Natasha could see just how angry her younger sister was, and she knew something was not right with the girl.

"What happened?" Natasha demanded, her eyes worriedly looking between Steve and Yelena. Yelena looked as if she could kill someone, and Steve was not particularly happy himself. However, his irritation seemed to be directed at Yelena, and Yelena's fury seemed to be directed at anything that moved or looked at her wrong.

"Things got completely out of control, and she lost her cool. I think it'd be best to take some sort of disciplinary action," Steve answered, and Natasha just looked at her sister, feeling love, concern, and care overtaking anything and everything else.

"Steve, we'll talk about this later. Thank you for bringing her back," Natasha finally told him, ensuring that her tone was quite dismissive. There would be no further discussion of this matter, and Steve seemed to sense that they would indeed not be talking about it later if his deep sigh was anything to go by.

He muttered something in response to her and headed out the door, shutting it behind him as he left the two alone. Natasha wasted no time in reaching out to Yelena and seeing if she would be willing to allow the redhead to touch her. To her surprise, despite the intense anger within the blonde, Yelena did not react when Natasha gently took her arm.

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