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Summary: Thor has come back for a visit, and Kate and Peter are listening in rapture to his stories while Yelena is encouraging him to tell them mostly to aggravate Natasha. However, when Thor decides to show off his hammer and Yelena happens to be between him and his hammer that is rapidly flying to him, Natasha leaps into action without a second thought.

However, something unexpected happens.

   "And that was when I single-handedly swooped in alongside my little brother, and we took them out in a glorious, bloody battle," Thor declared boisterously and happily, moving his hands to accentuate his storytelling, and Natasha just groaned under her breath, something between exasperation and fondness rising within her.

Thor had finally come for a visit after a long time away, and on one hand, Natasha was very happy to see an old friend. However, on the other hand, she was quite sick of him trying to retell great stories of his great accomplishments to Yelena, Kate, Peter, and anyone who had not heard them yet.

Tony, Steve, and Clint were in various parts of the room attending to different things. Steve was trying to figure out something on a laptop, and Tony was fiddling with some project he had been working on for the past few days. Clint was sitting not too far from Natasha, texting Lila as she told him about something she was going to be doing in a few days with her friends. Natasha herself was trying to peacefully read as she alternated between glancing at her sister and the page. Overall, they were all just minding their own business and occasionally rolling their eyes at Thor's stories.

On the other hand, Peter and Kate were eating up his every story as if it were some sort of gospel truth and it was imperative that she learn from his words. Thor, of course, despite the fact that he had grown a little humbler, was very much enjoying their attention and their awe of him. Yelena, however, was pretending to be more interested than she actually was mostly because she was trying to encourage him since she knew it was aggravating Natasha. Yelena was mostly not listening to him and continuously gave herself away as she snuck glances back at the redhead.

Finally, after a painfully long time of this, Yelena got up and left Kate and Thor together to talk about his stories, heading over to Natasha as she came to talk to her. Yelena had a ridiculously wide mischievous grin on her face, and Natasha narrowed her eyes at her skeptically.

"I didn't know the god from space could be so entertaining," Yelena expressed, and Natasha huffed in reply to her, easily able to see that the blonde was not serious. Natasha knew that the blonde was actually bored to death by his stories.

"Well, if you call boasting as much as Alexei being entertaining, then sure," Natasha replied to her easily, and Yelena smirked wickedly.

"You're just jealous because he's like ten times cooler than you," Yelena shot back at her, but Natasha could easily see that the blonde did not really mean the words. There was too much mischief and far too much adoration in her eyes for her words to be genuine at all.

"Uh-huh. Sure," Natasha just scoffed in reply, smirking easily as she largely ignored the blonde's attempts at riling her up.

"I mean, he's got a hammer and everything, poser. You've got to step up your game," Yelena informed her, and Natasha rolled her eyes at her.

"Speaking of... Do you think he brought it with him? I'd love to see it," Yelena declared, and Natasha could see that the blonde was actually half-serious about that statement. Natasha huffed a little, but her eyes softened at her baby sister's hidden excitement.

"Sweet girl, he couldn't go to the bathroom without it. I'm sure he'd love to show it to you if you ask him," Natasha assured her, a fondness in her eyes as she looked at the blonde. Yelena's eyes sparkled a little despite the fact that she attempted to cover it with mischievousness.

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