Reunion: Part 1

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Summary: Natasha was one to generally savor solitude, but it seemed that somehow Yelena, within a few short days together, was able to completely wreck that persona.

   Natasha jerked awake, regretting the action just a bit since she was so stiff from sleeping on the terribly uncomfortable bed in her RV. She let out a deep breath, quieting herself as she listened carefully.

It had been about a week since she had taken down the Red Room with Yelena, and she had returned to her place in Norway to try to regroup and plan before heading out to go and free the imprisoned Avengers.

The past few days had been even lonelier than before her adventure with Yelena, and she believed that quite a bit of that feeling was because she was missing her baby sister. She had not heard from the blonde at all, and while she realized that Yelena did not have her number, she also knew that Melina had the resources to find it and that Yelena probably could have called by now.

Of course, Yelena might just not want to speak to her. And as much as that hurt, Natasha could not exactly bring herself to be angry about it.

Natasha was quickly shaken as she heard the slightest sound of a spoon clunking against what sounded like plastic. She narrowed her eyes, knowing now that she was not alone, and she got up out of her bed silently, grabbing the pistol at her bedside as she crept along toward the kitchen area.

She paused just before rounding the corner, hearing the definitive sounds of someone eating. She furrowed her brow, mentally questioning who in the world would come to her RV out in the middle of nowhere just to eat her food.

Natasha let out a soundless breath, flicking on the kitchen light before jumping around the corner, her gun pointed in preparation as she glared at the intruder.

To her complete and utter shock, there was Yelena standing there, leaning against the counter as she ate the last of Natasha's yoghurt. Yelena just looked at her blankly before blinking a little, swallowing her giant bite she had stuffed in her mouth.

"Hi. You're out of Greek yoghurt," Yelena declared as she scraped her spoon around the edges of the yoghurt container as she leaned against the counter, stuffing her face with it. Natasha was just staring at her, her gun still pointed somewhat in her direction as she gaped at the very person that had been invading her thoughts since they took down the Red Room.

Yelena finally raised an eyebrow, licking her spoon carefully as she worked to finish off the remains of Natasha's yoghurt.

"Hm. Living out your days as a hermit must really be getting to you. Seems to have disabled your tongue," Yelena pointed out, and Natasha lowered her gun, withdrawn from whatever spell that merely seeing such an important person in her life brought upon her. She let out a deep sigh as she rolled her eyes heavily, and she moved over to sit her gun there on the counter nearby.

"What are you doing here at this time of night? I could've shot you!" Natasha declared, and Yelena shrugged a little, nonchalance in her every movement despite the fact that those pretty honey greens were drinking in Natasha's face almost every chance that they could.

Natasha could see that her baby sister was much more nervous about this meeting than she was trying to let on with her bluntness and her seemingly unashamed intrusion.

"Eh, but you didn't," Yelena replied with a small grin, and Natasha just took the time to actually look at the blonde.

Yelena looked almost just the same as she did a week back. She had gotten a new vest, and she was currently dressed in a pair of cargo pants and a tank top underneath the unzipped vest. The bandage was off of her arm where Natasha had fixed it during their time together, and Natasha noted the long, skinny scabbing across her arm.

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