Serving Revenge

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Summary: Yelena has been pranking Natasha all week and just when Natasha thinks that she has stopped, she surprises the redhead with yet another prank. Natasha then decides to give Yelena a taste of her own medicine...

   "GOTCHA!!!" Yelena gleefully cried, and Natasha's mouth was wide open as she gaped at the ridiculously huge mess in the drawers of her dresser.

Natasha had been innocently going into her room to get a change of clothes after going for a quick run that morning while Yelena came out of her morning funk. She should have suspected something with how Yelena was excitedly bounding after her and practically bouncing in place, but she had made the grave mistake of assuming that Yelena was just happy to see her again.

Currently, there was silly string coating every single bit of clothing to her name, and although it was by no means stuck to her clothes forever, it was still a very inconvenient, disgusting mess. Natasha stared at it wordlessly, honestly shocked beyond belief and wondering how in the world that Yelena had managed to find this much silly string. She slowly opened the other drawers, seeing that all the rest of her clothes suffered the same fate.

Natasha was not even sure how Yelena was able to buy this much silly string. Surely there was some sort of legal quota on these sorts of things to protect poor, unsuspecting older sisters.

"A word of advice, you might want to close your mouth for this," Yelena spoke up from behind Natasha. Natasha furrowed her brow but complied with Yelena's words as she turned around to face the blonde.

To her horror, Yelena had a can of silly string in her hands and immediately proceeded to spray Natasha with it. Natasha brought her hands up swiftly, lunging toward Yelena and grabbing the can.

Natasha let out a deep sigh as she dropped her arms and stared into Yelena's eyes. Yelena had a ridiculously giant grin on her face. Natasha just gazed at her as Yelena chucked a bit, reaching forward and plucking a piece of silly string off of Natasha's face.

"You've got a little something right there," Yelena commented before bursting into even more boisterous laughter.

Natasha did not utter a word, and she narrowed her eyes as she glared quietly at the younger woman. Yelena just stood there proudly before her, and despite how absolutely adorable Yelena was, sometimes Natasha felt like throttling her.

Obviously not for real, but she still did get pretty annoyed by her shenanigans sometimes.

After all, Yelena had pranked her multiple times this week, and Natasha was starting to get exceedingly tired of constantly having to be on guard. She had let her guard down this most recent time because Yelena had taken a break for a day and Natasha thought that Yelena might have gotten it all out of her system.

She was clearly very wrong.

Also, she was thinking that now she was definitely going to have to get some manner of revenge against the blonde.

However, she was not quite sure just what she could do to really get her back for all of the irritation that Yelena had caused her.

"Why? Just why?" Natasha questioned, plucking the silly string off of herself, and Yelena grinned from ear-to-ear as she gazed at Natasha.

"Because... You're a poser, and poser's have to get pranked, poser," Yelena informed her proudly, and Natasha rolled her eyes with slight irritation as she turned to dig through her dresser and get the silly string out. Natasha groaned and started to tug the string out by the fistfuls. Yelena stepped closer behind her, her nose poking into Natasha's shoulder as she tried to catch her eyes.

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