The Smallest Roadtrip with the Biggest Poser

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Summary: Natasha is taking Yelena to a surprise and tells her that they are going on a stakeout. They have to go on a short roadtrip to get to the location, and Yelena spends practically the entire time aggravating Natasha. After all, what are little sisters for?

   "Are we there yet?"

"If you ask me that one more time, I'm going to leave you on the side of the road and send you the coordinates so you can walk," Natasha replied, but her tone came out much calmer and less venomous than the words themselves would dictate. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Yelena rolling her eyes with a slight smirk.

The both of them were out on the roads, and Natasha had told her sister that they were supposed to go and stake out a location. However, that could not have been farther from the truth. They were actually going to a small zoo out in the countryside. She honestly had no idea how the people had managed to get a zoo running that far away from civilization, but Natasha knew that Yelena was going to absolutely love it.

However, at this point, Yelena had no idea about the zoo and was just having a great time aggravating Natasha on the ride there.

"It would be better than having to listen to Sia's worst hits on repeat," Yelena expressed, and Natasha furrowed her brow, shooting a playful glare in Yelena's direction.

"Sia's not that bad," Natasha expressed, and Yelena raised an eyebrow as she looked over at Natasha. Natasha could see her eyes practically sparkling with mirth and that combination of adoration and teasing that only Yelena could pull off.

"All she does is yammer on about being broke, swinging from ceiling lights, and being tough," Yelena told her, and Natasha scoffed in reply to the younger woman.

"I believe the names you were looking for were 'Cheap Thrills,' 'Chandelier,' and 'Unstoppable?'" Natasha questioned in a scolding tone, and Yelena cackled.

"Besides, I've seen you lip-syncing some of the words when you think I'm not paying attention," Natasha added, a victoriously wicked smirk coming onto her face. Yelena soured a bit at that comment, quieting down some as she huffed grumpily.

"It is like a brain fungus or something. I don't know how you can listen to that trash music," Yelena expressed finally, and Natasha quirked a brow as she glanced over at Yelena.

"What would you rather listen to, then?"

"Well, poser, I am glad you asked," Yelena expressed as she dug through the duffel bag that she had brought with them that was full of supplies for their fake mission. Natasha looked over in her direction, trying to see what the younger woman was fishing out.

"Introducing my mixtape of awesomeness," Yelena told her, and Natasha looked at the CD that Yelena was holding.

"That's a CD."

"Minor technicality," Yelena dismissively replied before reaching forward and ejecting Natasha's Sia Mix CD in favor of popping in her own CD.

Natasha immediately waited with bated breath, feeling sure that she knew precisely what the first song was going to be.

Sure enough, "American Pie" started to play, and Natasha just chuckled under her breath, shaking her head as she was proven correct.

"What's so funny?" Yelena asked, her eyes narrowed, and Natasha could not help the giant grin spreading across her face.

"Nothing. I just knew that was going to be the first song on the CD," Natasha informed her, a laugh in her voice, and Yelena just scoffed as she leaned forward, reaching out and changing the song number.

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