Truth Cuts Deeper Than Any Knife

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Summary: After Ana agreed to help Yelena find Natasha, Yelena had stayed with Ana for a few days. After about a week, Yelena comes into Ana's living room to find a horrifying news report playing. A news report that sends Yelena's world crashing down into nothingness.

   Every morning throughout the week that Yelena had awoken in that accursed guest room in Ana's house, she was exceedingly uncomfortable. The bed had been the comfiest one that Yelena had laid down on since her days in Ohio with Natasha, but it was horridly uncomfortable in its unfamiliarity.

Ana had agreed to help Yelena find Natasha, and she had offered to ask around in her assassin networks since there were a few favors that she could call in. So far, since everyone had been coming back from the blip, there was confusion everywhere and there had been no official news on how anything had happened or what was going on to bring everyone back. Yelena had not wanted to stay there at the house, but she had agreed if only to be the first to find out if Ana's contacts came up with anything.

However, Yelena had the strongest feeling that Natasha had something to do with it, and she could not shake the bad feeling that she had about the whole thing. She was trying her best to ignore it but it was still persistently bothering her despite her best efforts.

Yelena had called Melina and asked her if she had heard from Natasha. However, to Yelena's surprise, it turned out that Melina and Alexei had been blipped the entire time as well, and they had no contact with Natasha throughout the past five years.

But they promised to try to contact her the best that they could if they could find a manner to do so. Yelena was truly grateful, but she was starting to grow significantly less patient and was beginning to have the strongest urge to just up and head for America and find Natasha herself.

Yelena missed Natasha more than anything. She had missed her horribly before she had blipped away since the both of them had not had too much contact with one another due to Yelena's mission to rescue what was left of the missing widows and Natasha's attempts to lay low.

Natasha's phone number had changed every two weeks, and while Natasha had tried to always keep Yelena updated on what it was changed to in case Yelena wanted to talk, Natasha had sometimes grown afraid of someone catching on.

Of course, Yelena also understood the implied reason that Natasha felt she was too much of a danger to Yelena considering her current relationship with the American government.

Yelena truly oftentimes wished that Natasha would just throw caution to the wind. She wanted to be able to see the redhead and talk to her any time that she wanted to. She wanted to be with her and be wherever Natasha was more than anything.

At this point, if she could find Natasha, she was never going to leave her side again no matter what sort of overprotective, overcautious excuse Natasha had. Yelena was going to stay with her sister. She would have the other freed widows take up the process of saving the remaining enslaved widows.

She just had to find her first.

Yelena dressed herself, heading into the living room to check the television as she did every single morning in case news was released about the occurrences causing the blipped people to return from ash.

However, to her utmost surprise, Ana and her small family were already gathered in the living room, gaping at the television in pure and utter horror. Yelena approached the couch carefully, standing to the side a bit to avoiding intruding on their space too much as she took in the words emanating from the television set.

"Apparently the great battle went down in upstate New York right around the Avengers compound... The family of billionaire Tony Stark perhaps even better known as Iron Man has released the following statement honoring and listing the fallen," the newsman read aloud, and Yelena just gaped at television, her eyes glued to the screen as she took in the sight of haunting pictures of the battleground appearing.

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