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Summary: After a hard morning of having to listen to Steve and Tony argue, Natasha goes for a run and finally comes home, expecting to find Yelena sleeping in as per usual. However, when she walks in, she is completely shocked by a very much awake Yelena that is currently making them both breakfast. All Natasha can think about is how much she utterly adores her baby sister.

Natasha let out a deep sigh, slowly walking up to her and Yelena's house tiredly.

It had been an extraordinarily difficult day for Natasha. She had to get up early to go to one of the Avengers meetings. And naturally, she had been dreading it because it was supposed to be one of those extra boring ones that only ended up in Tony and Steve arguing on and on about something that really did not even matter.

Natasha honestly thought that Tony only started those arguments to rile Steve up so much that he would stop the meeting. Plus, it was likely the man's only source of entertainment, no matter how much it upset Steve. Tony had a special talent where he was somehow magically capable of igniting Steve's ordinarily impossible ire.

Natasha honestly was positively exhausted, and all she really wanted to do was serve herself something to eat quickly and go crawl into bed next to Yelena and just hold her baby sister for a while. Yelena was no doubt still asleep since she never ever got up earlier than she had to.

Natasha had immediately gone on a run after her meeting, and she had texted Yelena to let her know, wanting to make sure Yelena knew what she was doing just in case Yelena had somehow ended up getting up earlier than usual and grew worried about her. Which was not likely, but also not entirely impossible either.

The thought of Yelena brought a smile to the redhead, her lips tugging upward fondly. She could perfectly picture Yelena laying in the bed sprawled out in her typical fashion, loudly snoring with just a hint of drool rolling down across her cheek from where Yelena's mouth was hanging open in her sleep. It was an adorable mental image that came to her infinitely strongly because she had witnessed it in person so many times.

With that thought, she quickened her steps, craving the peace that would be brought to her when she finally was able to wrap Yelena in her arms.

However, as Natasha reached the front door, she heard the distinct sound of music playing noisily. She furrowed her brow a little, squinting slightly as she unlocked the door and hesitantly came in.

The song "Cheerleader" was very loudly blasting through the kitchen, and as Natasha sat her things down on the counter, she caught sight of her baby sister very enthusiastically moving her hips to the music and singing as she practically bounced through the kitchen. Natasha just stood there and stared at the blonde, almost dumbfounded as she took in the entire scene before her.

Yelena was cooking breakfast and that in itself was terrifying, but Yelena was also wearing that hideous white elephant gift that one of the Avengers had gifted to Natasha at their Christmas gathering last year. It was a positively disgusting apron that had a ridiculous message printed across it that read, "Hot & Spicy, and the food is good, too!" Natasha had honestly thought that she had gotten rid of it, but obviously Yelena had gotten her hands on it and held onto it for whatever reason.

The sight of Yelena in the apron was enough to crack Natasha up, but Yelena's ridiculous dance moves were absolutely adorable as well. Also, the fact that Yelena was using a spatula to stir scrambled eggs was a little odd as well, and Natasha could not stop just staring at the strange sight before her.

It was not long before Natasha came to the conclusion that Yelena had obviously very sweetly decided to get up early and make the two of them some breakfast if the two plates already placed on the table were anything to go by.

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