My Entire World: Part 2

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Summary: Once they get the dilemma with Yelena sorted out, Natasha soon finds herself in a similar situation as Yelena had been and Yelena has to handle the aftermath while Bruce tries to rig the machine back together once again. Unfortunately, Natasha is not as easy to handle as Yelena was...

   "Guys.... I think the thing's not working properly again!" Bruce called loudly, and Yelena stiffened, her tearstained face spinning around to take in the machine that was somehow starting up of its own accord. However, to her pure shock, Natasha grabbed onto her and spun her around so that Yelena was behind Natasha.

"Did you turn the power off all the way?!" Bruce called loudly, and they both looked to the power switch. It had not been fully changed over, and Natasha's gaze hardened as she took off toward the power switch.

Yelena started to go after her, but suddenly, there was a bright flash of light and Yelena jumped, covering her eyes quickly.

There was a small explosion, and smoke surrounded the entirety of the room. Yelena coughed, running over to the switch and ensuring that it was turned all the way off this time. Bruce waved a giant hand around his face, and Yelena spun around as she started to look through the smoke.

"Natashka!" Yelena cried loudly, trying to find her, and she was shocked when she almost tripped over a warm mass of something. Yelena waved her hand, trying to clear the smoke, and she quickly met eyes with a small redheaded girl. Yelena felt her heart drop to her feet as she immediately realized what had happened to her big sister.

As soon as the child saw her and was over the shock, she scrambled to her feet and took off running. Yelena's eyes widened, and she hurried after the girl.

"Wait, wait, wait, come back! It's okay!" Yelena called, and soon enough, after a bit of running, she managed to get Natasha in a corner. She knelt down, extending her hands as she quickly recognized the girl's posture. Yelena was not really afraid of Natasha hurting her, but she definitely did not want the little girl to feel like Yelena was a threat to her.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, okay?" Yelena expressed, keeping her eyes locked onto the small redhead's. Natasha's eyes were flashing with distrust and panic as she gaped at Yelena, her chest heaving rapidly as she tried to maintain an offensive position.

"No closer! I will kill you!" Natasha cried, her accent thick, and Yelena just held her hands out in a placating gesture as she tried to pacify the small girl at least a little. It made Yelena hurt to know that Natasha had been such an aggressive, scared child. Despite the fact that she knew about Natasha's past, it practically injured her to see it firsthand.

"Natashka, it's okay," Yelena expressed, hoping that the familiarity in the name would somehow comfort the girl. A tiny bit of her fear disappeared, but her body was still just as stiff as before as she looked at Yelena.

"How you know my name?" Natasha questioned worriedly, and Yelena immediately knew that this distrust, trauma, and suspicion was part of what made Natasha such a Red Room favorite as she grew older. Yelena just crouched down so that she was down on both of her knees.

"How could I not know your name? You're someone very important to me," Yelena expressed, and Natasha looked at her skeptically, but her posture did loosen up a bit with the words.

"I'm Yelena," Yelena introduced, knowing that name would mean nothing to Natasha. However, she did know that giving Natasha information would make the girl warm up to her faster. Natasha was starting to look like she was not so inclined to fight anymore, but she was still very much uncertain about Yelena's movements.

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