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Summary: When Yelena chips a tooth when sparring, Natasha almost completely freaks out and demands that Tony find a dental office that would be willing to look at Yelena immediately. When he manages to find one, Natasha drives Yelena there immediately, insisting that Yelena see the dentist and get her tooth looked at. However, Yelena is terrified as bad memories come flooding back in.

"I don't need to go in there. I'm fine. My teeth are fine."

"You chipped a tooth, Yelena. That's not fine," Natasha replied to her, her eyes flashing with concern and worry for the blonde, and Yelena rolled her eyes slightly. Natasha was in her worry-wart protective mode, and Yelena knew that there would be no pulling her out of it.

Yelena had happened to chip her tooth in the middle of sparring with Wanda. Naturally, Natasha had almost come completely unhinged as soon as it happened, and it was only Wanda's swift and desperate apologies that kept her from going off on the woman. Natasha had quickly grabbed Yelena and asked Tony to get a dentist immediately.

He quickly managed to get someone that could see Yelena immediately, and Natasha had instantly practically dragged Yelena to the car and drove them to the clinic. At this point, they were both sitting in the waiting room and waiting for someone to call them back.

Yelena personally was intensely against this entire idea, but Natasha was insistent. Yelena knew that it would bring her sister peace, so she tried to avoid totally freaking out about it, but she was definitely awfully unhappy with the decision.

"I am completely fine. I do not need to go," Yelena persisted, and Natasha just shook her head, taking Yelena's face in her hands and pulling her nearer.

"Open your mouth," Natasha spoke, and Yelena begrudgingly obeyed, irritation filling her as she found this entire ordeal ridiculous. Honestly, she thought a slight chip in her tooth made her look pretty tough.

Natasha looked really worried as soon as she looked at Yelena's mouth, and Yelena sighed, closing her mouth as she met Natasha's eyes. Natasha just looked at her, silently pleading with her to work with her on this and let her have this.

After a long moment, Yelena just nodded slightly in resignation. Natasha's eyes softened, and she leaned in, kissing Yelena's head between the eyebrows. Yelena closed her eyes with the sensation, enjoying Natasha's affections as the slightest bit of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Yelena Belova?" someone called, and they both were pulled from their moment. There was a woman standing there at the door, looking at them expectantly. Natasha got up, offering Yelena her hand. Yelena took it, and remained close behind her as Natasha led the way in.

Natasha soon stopped as the woman headed inside of a room. Once Natasha had peered inside, she moved out of the way to allow Yelena to enter first. Yelena hesitantly moved around her and entered the doorway. However, she immediately paused as soon as she saw the inside of the room.

The first thing she laid eyes upon was the terrifying chair in the middle of the room with all of the torturous tools and trays around it. Yelena stiffened, feeling fear surfacing in her tenfold as she remembered the Red Room intensely.

"It's okay, it's okay... It's just a chair," Natasha spoke, her voice barely above a whisper as she leaned in close to Yelena's ear.

"Privyazhet li ona menya?"1 Yelena could not help but question immediately, her voice wobbly and words thick as she well-remembered the straps of the tables and chairs in the Red Room. As soon as they would force her into place, they would strap her down so that she could not get away from their prodding and their evil tools despite the fact that she was under mind control. It was just an additional measure to make widows feel helpless.

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