These Cheaters Prosper

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Summary: When Yelena and Natasha come to game night and team up with Kate and Clint against Tony, Steve, Peter, and Sam, they have a surprise advantage that Tony and the others could have never anticipated. Despite the fact that Tony took great precautions to keep the girls from cheating as they allegedly do at every game night, his precautions seem to just allow them to actually cheat for real...

   "Alright, so we're separating into two teams, and we're separating Yelena and Natasha," Steve declared carefully, looking somewhat regretful as he uttered the last part of the statement.

It was game night at the compound, and currently Natasha, Yelena, Kate, Clint, Tony, Peter, Steve, and Sam were all gathered in the main room to play hangman. Kate was ridiculously excited to be there and to participate since it was her first game night, and they had decided to go with a mostly tame game in order to avoid scarring the girl for life. Although, Natasha strongly doubted that anything would keep Kate from coming to every game night from now on. She was far too pleased with herself and the fact that she had been invited at all.

Natasha and Yelena always enjoyed coming to game night. However, tonight was looking a like it was going to go a little differently for them because Tony and Sam were definitively against Natasha and Yelena playing on the same team this time. Of course, they both knew the reason was because they were way too good at playing together and defeating the boys in any game they played.

"Aww, do you boys feel threatened by us?" Natasha poked out her lip in a fake pout as she resisted the urge to just blatantly smirk at them. Tony's arms were crossed, and Sam was looking over at them distrustfully.

"You say that like I'd be ashamed to admit that," Steve declared with a painful honesty, and Natasha chuckled and finally broke into that wide smirk, raising an eyebrow as she looked over at Yelena. Yelena shrugged in reply to her with a smug grin of her own, the two of them silently communicating without a word uttered in the air between them.

Natasha could read the mischief and the warmth in Yelena's eyes, and she could tell that Yelena wanted more than anything to stay on her team with her. However, she could also tell that if the two were separated, Yelena would not just let her win. Natasha's eyes narrowed imperceptibly as she challenged Yelena and let her know that she was not about to give up victory without a fight.

"I hate it when you two do that," Sam declared suddenly, interrupting the both of them. Yelena and Natasha looked over at him, breaking their wordless conversation.

"Do what?" Natasha asked innocently, and Sam narrowed his eyes skeptically.

"Talk without talking. It's like you have some kind of freaky mind connection or something," Sam declared, and Yelena snorted in reply to him, pressing her shoulder against Natasha as she leaned against her a little more heavily.

"Okay, new rules— Red and Blondie can be on the same team, but they can't just stare at each other when they're doing their round," Tony declared, and Yelena rolled her eyes, scoffing at him.

"That's the whole game, Glowstick. What are we supposed to do?" Yelena sassed, looking at the billionaire and appearing completely unimpressed. Tony just shook his head, waving his hand in Natasha's direction as he gestured to her.

"I don't know. Romanoff, you know multiple languages, just pull one of those on her and see if she can guess what you're saying. Hangman's like based on mind games of guessing what the other person thinks, so if you just don't stare at her and you say whatever it is in another language, it's not going to tell her anything," Tony dismissively declared, and Yelena and Natasha immediately shared a small glance and Natasha took the blonde's hand as they successfully read each other's minds, barely holding back their smirks.

Widow Sisters and Friends (Restoring Our Broken Hearts)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora