Katie Strikes Back: Part 2

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Summary: When Natasha and Yelena are in the compound, Natasha lets one of her more embarrassing nicknames for Yelena slip. Yelena is immediately trying to get her to be quiet, but Natasha is in a very much mischievous mood. When Kate comes into the room in the midst of this conversation, things quickly get hairy for Yelena because Kate finally has some ammunition to shoot back at Yelena for all of the times she has called her Katie...

   "And, really, I took that personally," Yelena explained, sighing deeply as she placed a hand over her chest dramatically. Fanny just gazed up at her quizzically from where she was standing nearby Yelena as the blonde waited for the dog to do her business.

It was the day after Natasha and Kate had pestered her so much about that accursed, evil nickname, and Yelena was venting to the only friend she had left that had not wickedly betrayed her. Of course, it was also the only friend she had that would definitely never say the nickname after she told them about it. Fanny was restricted to silence considering the fact that she was a dog.

"It's just... how could the poser betray me like that and tell doofus Kate Bishop about... Squishy?" Yelena whispered the last part in case anyone nearby might happen to overhear. There was no one within ten feet of her, but she still was not taking any chances in the remote possibility that someone could be hiding nearby or might have super hearing.

"And Kate Bishop got all high and mighty and way too cocky for her own good. She's such an idiot. Did I tell you she was like a wart? That's literally the only reason I tolerate her. I mean, warts just kind of grow on you, you know?" Yelena explained, shrugging a little as she eyed the Akita. Fanny tilted her head a little, listening to Yelena's voice carefully as she spoke to her but starting to get a little distracted by her need to relieve herself.

"At least when you get a tick, it will grow on you and then disappear finally when it falls off. But no! I get stuck with a wart!" Yelena complained loudly. Fanny finally resigned herself to sniffing the grass around them. Yelena let out a groan.

At that moment, she noticed someone was staring at her from nearby, walking his Boston terrier. Yelena froze before offering him a two-fingered salute.

"What's popping?" Yelena questioned, and he just offered a nervous smile in reply before hurrying off, pulling his dog along behind him.

Once he was far off, Yelena finally resumed carrying on her conversation with her dog, who was still trying to find the perfect place to do her business.

"Hey, look... I know Katie's not all bad. I mean, she's sometimes helpful when I'm messing with the poser, and she does have that sweet baby puppy Lucky," Yelena pointed out with a wide grin, thinking of the dog with a smile.

However, she quickly soured as she thought of Kate and Natasha's tag-teaming. She set her jaw in frustration.

"I just wish Lucky would crawl up on her pillow and just have explosive diarrhea all over it or something," Yelena grumbled aloud before her eyes widened a bit at the thought. She lost all semblances of grumpiness as she started to formulate an idea in her head. It was a truly wicked thought, and she smirked widely as she looked at Fanny with a chuckle.

"I'll show her Squishy," Yelena muttered under her breath evilly, narrowing her eyes wickedly with a giant grin as she watched Fanny sniffing at the ground.

Yelena had an idea.


Kate had just gotten out of the shower, and she turned off her music that had been loudly playing from her phone while she showered. As soon as the sound cut off and she started drying herself off, she could hear Lucky whining in the other room.

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