This Has Been a Gas

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Summary: Natasha and Kate are training one day and Natasha accidentally hurts Kate. Which, of course, leads to a very guilty Natasha, an anesthesia-ridden Kate, a highly amused Yelena, and one Carol Danvers thrown into the haphazard mix.

   "Natashka, she'll be fine, just calm down," Yelena's voice rang out not too far from Natasha. However, the redhead continued to wear a hole in the floor as she paced nervously just outside the med-bay, her stomach flipping and guilt overriding her every sense as she kept casting glances over at the door where they were currently trying to set Kate's arm back into proper position to put a cast on it.

Natasha had been sparring with Kate as she always did when Clint was not there at the compound. Yelena had been not too far off, leaning against the side of the ring and making comments about what the both of them could do better. It had been a relatively light-hearted and fun session, which was fairly odd considering the fact that Yelena did not get along too well with Kate usually. Especially since Kate and Natasha had been growing so close.

However, a part of Natasha liked to think that maybe Yelena was starting to warm up to the girl. Despite how slowly and reluctantly that the process was coming along.

It was all going extremely well, and Kate was throwing so many good punches and moves that Natasha had actually had to work to keep up with her, pride swelling in her chest as they threw themselves into the fight more fully.

But that was when Natasha had accidentally pulled a move that had broken Kate's arm.

Natasha had no idea what she had been thinking and she felt positively awful. She had been in the heat of the spar, and because she most often either fought people that could forcibly fight back against the move or block it easily, she had mindlessly pulled the move. She and Yelena pulled the move on each other all the time, the both of them being more than capable of blocking it not only because of their shared training experience but also because of the fact that they sparred against each other more than they did with anyone else.

As soon as it happened, her heart stopped, and she felt like she had been stabbed in the gut. She had swarmed Kate quickly, worrying over her and uttering endless apologies. However, despite the pain that Kate had so obviously been feeling, she reassured Natasha that everything was fine and that she was alright.

It still did not reassure Natasha in the manner that the sweet goofball meant for it to, and she still felt sick about it even now. She could not believe that she had hurt Kate. Sweet, precious, innocent Kate. Granted, she would have felt just as sick if it had been Yelena, but she really felt bad for hurting Kate since Kate did not even have the ability to defend herself from Natasha's more advanced moves.

"Actually, this could actually even be a good thing. It taught us that you should only spar with me from now on," Yelena's teasing quip hit Natasha's ears and pulled her somewhat out of her guilt-ridden stupor.

Natasha glared at her unhappily, intensely displeased with the fact that Yelena was joking about something like that. It was primarily because right now she felt so bad about what she did to Kate that she almost felt that she could puke.

"This is not the time, Yelena," Natasha firmly told her. Yelena quickly grew more serious at the use of her actual name instead of one of the typical adoring pet names that Natasha always used with her.

Natasha continued to pace, and as she turned around to begin yet another round, she suddenly found Yelena standing in her way. Natasha stopped there before her, freezing as she gazed into her baby sister's eyes. Yelena just stared at her, those beautiful, loving honey greens locking onto Natasha's gaze and seeing directly into her soul.

Widow Sisters and Friends (Restoring Our Broken Hearts)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora