Listen to Me: Part 3

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Summary: It was supposed to be a routine catch and release for Natasha. However, when Vibranium cuffs, Natasha's old Red Room instructor, and, worst of all, Yelena are all mixed in the mission, it quickly becomes one of the worst missions Natasha has ever been on. However, even after the Avengers rescue her and Yelena, there are still somewhat longer-term consequences that the two have to face with Yelena taking the brunt of those said consequences. But Natasha will be there for her every step of the way.

   Natasha remained walking behind Yelena as they headed out of the elevator within the compound, and Yelena felt more fully secure in knowing that Natasha quite literally had her back.

Natasha had communicated to her via writing on her skin that Natasha was going to find a notebook so that she could more easily write to Yelena and tell her things or respond to Yelena's questions. Yelena honestly preferred the skin method, but she did not say anything, choosing to allow Natasha to do whichever would be easiest for her. After all, Natasha might not be able to touch her or have a hand on her at all times.

Yelena had asked Natasha not to tell anyone that she was coming home just yet because she wanted a little more time to settle into this sudden deafness. However, when Natasha had asked her if Yelena wanted her to tell Kate and Peter, Yelena had paused but reluctantly agreed. She did not really want to be seen like this, but she ultimately decided that since it was just Kate and Peter that she really had nothing much to worry about. After all, these were the goofiest pair that she knew.

However, as Natasha and Yelena entered the main room, Yelena froze quickly as Peter and Kate immediately shot up from the couch not too far off, huge grins on their faces as they hurried over to greet her. Yelena had been prepared to see them, but some part of her was still uncomfortable and a little on-edge from earlier.

Yelena was moving stiffly with her tightly bound ribs, and she tried her best not to make any sharp movements despite this slight anxiety in her. She was currently on some killer pain meds, despite the fact that she had not been pleased with having to take them, and her ribs were hurting less badly.

Natasha started to move in Yelena's direction at an angle that Yelena could see her. Yelena imperceptibly turned her head in Natasha's direction, assuring the redhead that Yelena knew that she was coming over and that she would not react negatively if Natasha touched her from behind.

As soon as the two were near, Peter began to speak to her, his mouth moving but absolutely none of the sound of his overly friendly, kind voice meeting her ears. The pain of not being able to hear him must have somehow shown itself on her face, and Kate said something to him, and he immediately looked horrified as he offered Yelena an apologetic gaze.

Kate then smiled at her, concern shining in her eyes as she shifted her loving, puppy-like gaze between both Yelena and Natasha. She then reached into her pocket, unfolding a sheet of paper that read "Welcome Home!" It was in big, goofy, purple handwriting that was in that scrawling so typical of Kate.

However, Yelena felt strangely touched at the fact that Kate had been so considerate. Of course, Yelena knew that Kate was a good kid. After all, that was why she was secretly fond of her. She was significantly less fond of her than Peter, but she still cared about her all the same. As much as Yelena hated to admit it, Kate's thoughtfulness in this moment only helped Kate's case.

"Katie-Bear, you're holding your airport sign upside down," Yelena told her, and Kate furrowed her brow before flipping it immediately.

Yelena could not help a chuckle at Kate's expense, and Kate looked down at her now upside-down paper. It had not truly been upside down in the first place, but Yelena was not sure how to handle the softer, kinder fondness running through her, so she resorted to her easiest response.

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