Green-Eyed Monster: Part 6

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Summary: When Yelena has her second ever big mission and is going to be gone with Steve and Clint for four to six days, Natasha is convinced that she is going to be miserable and lonely just like she always is without her baby sister there to keep her company. However, she finds odd comfort in one Kate Bishop, and the both of them use this time to grow closer and form a strange yet close bond with one another.

But this does not set well with Yelena when she finds out about this large amount of time that Kate is spending with her Natasha and how close they are growing.

   That night, Natasha patiently awaited Yelena's call, assuming that surely the girl would call to let her know that she was alright and everything was going okay on the mission.

However, as time passed and she and Kate ate dinner, Yelena never called. Natasha could feel her heartrate elevating just a little as she got in bed, and she wasted no time in picking up her phone, determined to call her baby sister whether she was in the middle of something or not. She desperately needed to know if the girl was alright.

To her surprise, almost as soon as she was about to call, Yelena sent a short, small text.

"Sorry I didn't call, busy right now with Barton and Rogers. Mission stuff," it read, and Natasha let out a deep breath, endlessly thankful that everything was alright with her and that nothing had happened. Natasha quickly typed out a reply.

"Okay. I was about to call you. I was really worried, sweet girl," Natasha wrote, hoping that she might could smooth things over with the younger woman. It sliced her heart in half to even imagine the fact that she could be causing her baby sister pain like this.

"I'm fine. Just busy," Yelena replied, her texts shorter and more to the point than ever. It did not even have Yelena's usual presence of emojis or even the poop emoji that she so often enjoyed using for absolutely no reason at all.

Of course, Natasha was honestly not even sure if the burner phone had emojis on it, but it was still a thought that crossed her mind. She knew Yelena was still upset simply based on the simple responses that were completely devoid of any real emotion.

"I understand. I love you and I miss you more than anything," Natasha sent to her carefully, gluing her eyes to her screen attentively as she eagerly awaited Yelena's response.

However, while not necessarily entirely surprised, Natasha was hurt by the lack of a reciprocation that she received in Yelena's next text.

"I'll be home soon enough," Yelena simply typed in response, and Natasha swallowed, feeling a sharp stab to her heart. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to contain the tears that were threatening to spill and that had been wanting to fall since the previous night when Yelena did not reply to her "I love you."

Natasha looked down at her screen through bleary eyes, teardrops hitting her screen as she tried her best to hold herself together as she started to type. However, she quickly paused, settling for just pressing the bracelet and lighting it up in hopes that Yelena might reply.

There was a long pause after Natasha's light finally stopped pulsating, and she felt her heart falling to her feet as she quickly realized that her sister was not even going to reply to the bracelet. Natasha had truly hurt her horribly this time, and Natasha could hardly even live with the thought that she had injured her so terribly deeply.

But to her sheer surprise, the bracelet lit up suddenly, and Natasha felt relief washing over her despite the pain. The fact that Yelena had actually touched it told her that Yelena was not so mad at her that it was irreparable. Maybe Natasha could still redeem herself somehow.

Widow Sisters and Friends (Restoring Our Broken Hearts)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon