Parental Introduction and Swine Maliciousness

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Summary: When Kate drops by at Natasha's and Yelena's place to ask them if they want to get pizza and hang out, she runs into a pair of houseguests that got there before she did. They just happen to be Alexei Shostakov and Melina Vostokoff-- the widow sisters' parents.

   Kate let out a breath as she approached the Natasha's and Yelena's house, a hopeful smile coming onto her face.

Natasha and Yelena had been spending a small, peaceful break at their home without coming to the compound and the honest truth was that Kate missed them both. She was planning to drop by and see them on her run in hopes of asking them if they wanted to get pizza with her so they could maybe all spend time together.

However, as she stepped up to the front door, she realized there was a strange car parked in the driveway. She furrowed her brow a little but proceeded to hit the doorbell somewhat uncertainly.

She could hear some manner of fussing in the house and what sounded like arguing, and she immediately felt her guard going up a little. She was wondering if the people owning the car were people that Natasha and Yelena did not want anything to do with and if Kate was going to have to help them dispose of them.

But before she could entertain this thought for much longer, Yelena suddenly opened the door, Kate could hear Natasha still complaining and talking a little louder than her usual volume. Yelena narrowed her eyes as she peered through the relatively small crack she had made to look out of.

"Ugh... Perfect," Yelena grumbled, and Kate grinned awkwardly.

"Hey, Yelena... Um... I was on a run and I was wondering if you guys might like to come back to the compound and we could get some pizza? I've missed you guys the past few days, and I was thinking we could have some fun together?" Kate made her proposition, and while Yelena looked mildly interested in the pizza idea, she was largely infallible in her stone-cold countenance.

"Sounds nice, but we have enough problems on our hands right now. Bye, Katie-Bear," Yelena started to shut the door, but a hand suddenly caught the door as it was dragged open. Yelena groaned deeply and unhappily, and the door opened to reveal Natasha standing there looking somewhat frazzled.

"Oh, Kate, hey! Come in," Natasha greeted, and Kate smiled happily at the sight of one of her favorite people ever. She came in the house, and Yelena mumbled something under her breath as she moved out of the way to allow Kate to move past her.

"Sorry I didn't get the door sooner. It's been a really busy morning, and—"

Kate quickly stopped paying attention as she her eyes went wide and she spotted a fat, hairy creature in the floor staring at her with nothing but the most devilish and most beady eyes of torment and evil intent.

"Oh, my gosh, there is a pig in your house," Kate acknowledged immediately, and Natasha paused as she looked at her. Yelena simply huffed a little behind her, and she hesitantly shut the door behind Kate.

"You talking about the man or the animal?" Yelena questioned, completely deadpan, and a large man not too far off in the kitchen stuffing his face with potato chips let out an offended cry.


"I told you there was resemblance," a brunette woman not too far away from Kate pointed out in a very thick Russian accent, but Kate could not take her eyes off of the pig to focus on anything or anyone else too much.

When Kate was in fifth grade, she had gone on a field trip with her class to visit a petting zoo. It had overall been a great experience, but one of the most traumatic things in her life outside of losing her dad had happened to her during that trip.

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