You Will Always Be Mine

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Summary: When Antonia Dreykov shows up at Natasha and Yelena's doorstep wanting to talk to Natasha, she is welcomed with open arms. However, Yelena is slightly less enthusiastic when Antonia ends up staying for a week and starts taking all of Natasha's free time.

   "Hey, what do you want to do today?" Natasha called loudly from her bedroom, changing into some comfortable clothes since she had just gone on a run and gotten her previous outfit somewhat sweaty.

Yelena was currently fishing through the kitchen cabinets, trying to find something good to stuff her face with.

"I don't know! We could go train at the cool kids' clubhouse! You've been saying that you'd teach me some of your special moves," Yelena suggested loudly, laughing a bit as she eagerly awaited Natasha's response to her jab. She could feel Natasha's eyeroll even though they were not even in the same room, and she

"It's the Avengers tower!" Natasha loudly called in reply. Yelena smirked, starting to reply with something sarcastic. However, she was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Yelena quieted, wondering who was there at the door and silently worrying a bit that it might be someone unsavory. It was always a possibility that one had to consider when having the history they had. Yelena quietly approached the door, readying herself for a potential fight as she reached for the doorknob.

She swiftly opened the door, fully prepared to attack if the person on the other side was hostile.

But to her surprise, when she opened the door, the last person in the world that she would expect was standing there looking at her. It was none other than Antonia Dreykov, her body stiff as she stood there like a statue.

"Antonia. What are you doing here?" Yelena questioned, extremely confused as she looked at the young woman. Antonia lifted her chin just a bit with practiced confidence, and Yelena could easily see the worry and slight fear in her eyes.

She could hear Natasha coming into the room, no doubt wondering why Yelena had not responded. Yelena glanced back at her, noticing that she had already changed into a different set of clothes. Natasha's eyes widened a bit as she realized precisely who Yelena was talking to.

"Antonia?" Natasha suddenly spoke up, and she moved in next to Yelena staring at the woman with shock. Yelena quickly spotted how Antonia immediately looked at Natasha, focusing her attentions and her eyes solely on the older woman.

"Is something wrong?" Natasha finally asked, and Yelena shifted her gaze between the two of them.

"No, nothing is wrong," Antonia answered simply after a moment of hesitation, her words calm but her gaze communicating anything but. "I'm not here on any business."

Natasha's features softened despite the fact that concern was still quite prevalent within her features. Yelena was quite curious as to what exactly had prompted Antonia's visit if it was not business of some sort.

"Here, come in," Natasha invited, stepping aside and Yelena followed suit, standing nearby the redhead as she stared at Antonia with confusion and slight interest.

Antonia stiffly crossed the threshold, not wanting to meet their eyes at first. She paused in front of the pair, and she finally looked up at Natasha.

"Shostakov and Vostokoff said I was free to leave, and I... I had hoped to speak with you," Antonia bravely spoke up, keeping her light-colored eyes focused on Natasha. Yelena felt her heart ache a bit for the other girl, knowing that she had it much worse than any of the rest of them simply because of her especially close relationship with Dreykov.

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