A Surprise Around Every Corner

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Summary: When Natasha is first coming into consciousness that morning, Natasha knows something is weird. Mostly because she's on an air mattress with Clint Barton out in the middle of the swimming pool at the Avengers compound. Natasha immediately knows Yelena is behind this. However, she did not expect Kate to be an accomplice...

  As Natasha slowly woke up from her sleep, her eyes closed, she realized that she felt oddly exposed and that there was a strangely large amount of light coming through her window. She also felt as if she were floating.

Natasha just barely opened her eyes, expecting to see her baby sister laying next to her and sleeping since she felt a warmth at her side. However, she almost fell off of the bed as she realized it was actually Clint. Her eyes went wide as she raised up in bed and quickly realized precisely why the bed felt so floaty and why so much light was coming in.

They were outside. Out in the middle of the swimming pool at the compound on an air mattress.

The redhead had no idea how in the world that she had managed to end up out here, but after just a moment of consideration, she realized that there was only one real solution.

Yelena had to have done this. She was the only person that could touch Natasha while she was asleep without waking the redhead up. Something in Natasha's subconscious trusted Yelena.

Although Natasha was now questioning her subconscious's decision to do so.

Of course, Natasha knew that Yelena could not have done all of this by herself. She must have had help if she got Natasha, Clint, and a mattress all the way out here. Especially without waking either of them up.

However, Natasha would worry about her little sister and her mystery accomplice later. Natasha wasted no time in poking Clint and trying to wake him up, knowing that they needed to get out of the pool before the mattress sank and they got wet.

On the other hand, considering that the mattress was pretty far from the edge of the pool, she was beginning to think that they might have to get wet regardless of their wishes.

Natasha shook Clint gently, and he awoke with a start, almost falling off of the mattress. However, Natasha took hold of his arm firmly, keeping him from falling in the water.

He reached for his hearing aid, turning it on as he looked around. He seemed completely clueless as to what was going on.

"Did we get absolutely wasted last night and I don't remember it? Or how did we end up out here?" Clint questioned, completely disoriented with his voice a bit gruffer than normal. Natasha shook her head with a deep sigh.

"No... I think Yelena pranked us," Natasha told him with a sigh, and Clint furrowed his brow, looking at her oddly.

"Yelena? You sure she could do all this?" Clint asked eventually, squinting as he scratched at his head and contemplated the entire situation. Natasha sighed slightly, resisting the urge to roll her eyes at his slowness to come to a sense of awareness.

"Well, not by herself. I think she definitely had help," Natasha replied, and Clint groaned knowingly, rubbing his face. Natasha raised an eyebrow curiously.

"What?" Natasha questioned expectantly, and Clint looked at her before glancing toward the compound.

"I thought I heard someone talking about pranks last night," Clint stated, and Natasha tilted her head a little.


"I think I know who helped her..."


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