Chapter 1

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"I'll be your date to the wedding." Words Rebecca had never excepted to hear from that deep and rich toned man. She looked straight across from her, and met the eyes of her best friend Ashley. They both looked down at their coffee and ignored the man behind her.

Rebecca looked up at Ashley—her best friend and colleague— with wide eyes. "Is that really him?"

"Rebecca. Really? I thought you could be a little more professional than that..." The man said, adjusting his tie.

Rebecca looked up at Ashley again who was already staring at her. Rebecca took a sip of her coffee before sitting it back down and rolling her eyes. She turned around and was met by the one and only...Colby Lopez. The most attractive man Rebecca had ever laid eyes on, had just told her he would be her date to the wedding.

How he even heard her and Ashley talking about the wedding, she would never know. It's not like they were being loud about it, Rebecca was just expressing her angry feelings towards Ashley. She STILL didn't have a date to her brothers wedding, and she needed one soon.

Rebecca smiled at him awkwardly, "Hey Mr. Lopez. I didn't expect to see you today?"

It was Saturday, which meant they didn't have to work. They worked at an engineering firm, and they all had Sunday and Saturday off...most days. Today was one of those few days Rebecca had off, and she hadn't planned on seeing anyone she worked with except for her best friend—Ashley.

Colby smirked and took a seat at their table. "You can call me Colby...we've worked together for years Rebecca. I'm pretty sure we're friends."

Rebecca scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "We haven't talked least two weeks. Friends talk more than that."

Colby laughed. "Well we both have really busy jobs." He smiled at her before looking over at Ashley. "Are you two having a girls day?"

Ashley looked at Rebecca with wide eyes. "Yeah. It's our day off ya know, so we're trying to enjoy it."

Colby nodded before looking back at Rebecca. "I couldn't help to hear your rant about a wedding? You said you needed a date...I'd be glad to help."

Rebecca wanted to disappear. If she could transport herself—and Ashley—out of there, they could be off to spend the day together. She didn't want to see him—although she really did—but she was awkward and shy and basically nothing like him. He was professional and hardworking and funny—most of the time arrogant—at least that's what she thought, and he was handsome. He had never been that friendly at work—he was normally bossing everyone around—so what's made him change? Why on earth would he want to be seen with me? Why in the world did he offer to go to another COUNTRY with me?

"Do i need to repeat myself again?" Colby said interrupting her thoughts. He gave her a smile, "Ok...fine." He paused. "You can take me to your brothers wedding. I'd be glad to help Becks."

Rebecca's breath hitched for the 5th time that morning. She looked down and adjusted her black dress. She blinked at his words when she looked back up, the words replaying in her head.

Rebecca tried to hold back her laughter—because why in the hell would he want to go with her. "What's so funny? I'm being serious Becks." Colby said arching his eyebrows.

Rebecca looked towards Ashley. "The chances of him being serious is about the same as Andrew Garfield being my boyfriend. Which is nonexistent."

Ashley shrugged. "Becks i think he's being serious..." Her gaze inspected the man sitting beside of them. "I'm pretty sure he's being serious."

"He can't be." Rebecca said shaking her head. There was no way Colby Lopez would ask her that. She turned towards Colby, "Are you being serious?"

Colby chuckled. "Yes! Rebecca I'm being serious. I would have never told you I wanted to go if I didn't want to."

Rebecca slumped back in her chair and sipped her coffee. " may have to work that week. You may have something come up, so you don't have to worry about it I'll find someone else." Except she knew that was a lie. She had asked no one, because she didn't want to go with someone she didn't trust.

Colby sighed and sat up straight in his chair. Ashley just sipped on her coffee—and eating her pink covered donut—observing her best friend and their colleague. "Rebecca we work in the same department and nothing ever comes up." He paused. "Or is the reason you don't want me to go is because you want another man to go?"

Rebecca thought about telling him Yeah! Actually I do. He's the kindest, funniest, and most handsome man she has ever met! But she knew he would read right through her.

Rebecca shook her head. "No..."

Colby nodded and smiled. "I'll take off work that week and I'll go to Ireland with you. I promise I don't care to help you out."

Rebecca didn't know what to think, or say for that matter. Does she want Colby to go? She didn't even know. But does she have anyone else to go with her? Nope. Rebecca sighed as Colby stood up. "Just think about it and let me know ok?" He pushed his chair in and patted Rebecca's shoulder. "Have a great day ladies." And with that he was gone.

Rebecca huffed and laid her head on the table. Ashley looked over at her trying to hold in her laugh. "You are a mess woman."

Rebecca looked back up with her lips pressed together. "Don't remind me." She then sighed and took a sip of her coffee.

Ashley laughed again as she passed Rebecca her half eaten donut. "He's the first man to offer Becks...I think that's a good sign."

But Rebecca already knew what she was going to do. Colby may be her only option, but she couldn't trust him. He wasn't her friend—although he says they're friends— he wasn't anything to her except for a colleague.

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