The Art of Transportation

Start from the beginning

"Couldn't you have told her it already had a name? Like anything better than Charlene?" Kate questioned, and Clint rolled his eyes heavily.

"You wanna learn how to drive or not?" Clint asked tiredly, and Kate nodded somewhat embarrassedly.

"Sorry... Driving would be good, please," Kate told her, and Clint hummed in acknowledgement.

"Good. Then don't make fun of her name," Clint informed her, moving his hand away from the back of her seat. As soon as he did it, she could breathe a little easier, and he rested his arm on the console between them.

"Okay, now go ahead and carefully press the gas," Clint specified, and Kate nodded, sighing softly to herself as she very gently started to press the gas again. The car started to slowly move through the pasture, and Clint nodded in approval.

"Good job... Now turn it around and go in a circle. But don't get any bright ideas about cutting donuts. That has a tendency to get under Laura's skin because it messes up the grass," Clint chuckled with a grin, and Kate immediately knew that he must have figured that out from previous experiences.

Nevertheless, Kate obeyed his instructions, and she carefully turned around in the pasture and started going in another direction.

"Good girl, Charlene," Kate spoke softly under her breath, and Clint squinted at her. She looked over at him with a sheepish grin, and he narrowed his eyes at her further.

"I'm not sure if you're making fun of the name or just talking to the car. Either way, stop. That's weird," he deadpanned, and she laughed a little in spite of herself, knowing he did not mean anything by it and was simply messing with her in that way that he always had.

"Alright, good, now let off the gas and press the brake to stop," he stated after a few moments of her driving around.

Kate immediately pressed it just a little too hard and the car suddenly stopped abruptly, moving forward and jerking them toward the windshield a little. Clint let out a bit of a groan, looking over at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Look, you didn't say how to press the brake," Kate cut him off before he could complain. Clint just stared at her blankly for a moment before shaking his head with a huff.

"Okay... Now hit that lever over there and turn on the blinkers to signal your turns. Up for turning right and down for turning left," he explained, and Kate immediately started to comply as she practiced it.

"Good job. That's good... Now, let's drive over to the gate and we'll try out the dirt road," Clint directed, and she paused, pressing the brakes carefully as she looked at him.

"Wait, wait, are you sure? I mean, that was fast!" Kate pointed out, feeling nervousness filling her that was not previously there in such magnitude. She was not sure if she was ready to get out on the real road of all things. Even if it was just a dirt road that Clint lived off of.

"Well, yeah. You're not ever going to figure out the road if you don't start trying to drive on it," he told her, and Kate swallowed hard before redirecting her attentions to the car and driving. She started toward the gate on the far other side of the pasture, and he nodded encouragingly.

"Alright... Now, just make sure you don't run over any of the cows. They're all around in your path, and one of them would total the front of the car," Clint explained, and Kate glanced at him in confusion.

"Are you not worried about the cows?" Kate questioned, noticing how his focus was almost purely on the car. Clint shrugged nonchalantly.

"At the speed you're going, one of those things could probably just get up and walk it off. They're thick meatheads and don't have any sense and they're tough as nails," Clint told her, and Kate just huffed a little, still feeling extremely nervous as they approached the cows.

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