Flights & Feelings !

Start from the beginning

"Come on .. this time I'm not askin .." He replied, taking his hand back he put it in his pocket ..

Finally looking up at him, he saw the tears in her eyes. He extended his hand again .. this time she took it. Glaring at Paris, she got up and followed him into another part of the plane. He closed the door to the section they were in and sat down in one of the cream leather seats. It had a bar, a sitting area, a flat screen hung above the bar. There was a rectangular window that Shane sat in front of that would give them full view of the sky. It was one of her favorite parts about flying private.

"Sit down and put your seat belt back on .." Shane said as he buckled his seat belt ..

"Why are you so bossy ?" She asked, sitting down beside him ..

"Because the older you get the more you don't listen
.." He said, causing Lia to smile ..

"I don't got time to be askin no more.." He said

She buckled her seat belt and then leaned her head on his shoulder. Shane checked his phone as they began to take off ..

It wasn't long before they were in the sky and headed back to Miami .. Shane was still replying to emails and text messages and Natalia was staring out of the window. She was thinking about everything.

Solo, their relationship, her relationship with her sister, and mostly about their baby. She didn't even know about him/her for that long before it all got snatched right out of her. Literally !

She felt like she should've been with Solo at a time like this. Her sisters help and concern was appreciated but more than anything she wanted to be with Solo.

"Were you mad ?" She asked Shane, not taking her eyes off of the clouds as they slowly went past the window .. She finally broke the silence.

"Mad about what ?" He asked

"About the baby .." She replied

Shane was silent for a few seconds then Lia felt his chest rise and fall as he sighed. That was a, yes !

"I don't want you with him.." He said

"Why ?" She asked, lifting her head from his shoulder she turned in her seat to face him..

"I know the Solo you don't, he's my cousin.
You lil sis, I gotta protect you from that .." He replied

Turning her attention back outside, Lia smirked "Funny you said that, I remember Trey sayin the same thing to Paris about you .." She said matter of factly ..

Smiling , Shane looked over at her who was smiling right back at him. "That's not the point." He said

"Well what is it ? That's what I'm so mad about .. it's not about that my sister wants to protect me it's about her listening to what I want .. she does not listen to me, she tells me !!" She said

"Had she listened to my brother or my mama, y'all would've never made it this far .." Natalia explained

"Maybe that would've been for the best .." He said

"Seriously ?" Lia asked

"Lia you seen all the good stuff, you haven't seen half of the shit bullshit your sister done been through or shit she did or had to witness all because of me .. and the shit I did to her .. she didn't deserve that and neither do you .." He replied

"You love my sister ?" She asked

"More than life .." He replied, no hesitation

Natalia smiled, "And if she had the choice she'd do every single thing all over again, for you. And how you feel about her, Solo feels about me." She said ..

"You only provin my point .." Shane replied as he took his seat belt off and headed for the bar ..

Natalia watched him as he got up and began looking looking in the refrigerator .. "Did you really hit her ?" She asked, the question she had been wanting to ask for a while ..

Shane looked over at her then back into the fridge.

She needed to hear his side of the story.
But his silence gave her an answer.

"How many times?" She asked, not waiting for him to say yes or no ..

"I didn't keep count .." He replied, closing the refrigerator doors ..

He began searching the bar for the liquor .. "She told you that ?" He asked, still looking around the bar..

"Yeah.." Natalia replied

Shane didn't say anything, instead he pressed the button for the stewardess and sat back down.

"Why ?" She asked

Turning his attention back to his phone, he wore no emotion on his face so it was hard for her to read him. Shane didn't want to be havin this conversation with her, she didn't know about that side of he and Paris' relationship and he didn't care to elaborate on it.

"I had my reasons.." He replied

The stewardess then opened the door and walked in ..

"Yes sir ?" She asked

"Where's the liquor ? The bar is empty .." He said

"Your wife had us remove all of the liquor before departure sir, she said to tell you if you had an issue with it to take it up with her .." She replied

Shane sighed .. "Alright .." He said, dismissing the woman in front of him ..

She walked out, closing the door behind her.

"See, she so annoying .." Natalia said, shaking her head ..

Shane smiled as he looked over at his baby sis.
She was growing up faster than he would've liked. Even he wasn't ready for that.

"So why are you and Paris divorcing ?" She asked

Laughing, Shane shook his head "You go for the cut throat questions first, huh ?" He asked

Natalia laughed, "I have questions .. that need answers, and my sisters answers are watered down .. " She replied

Shane smiled, he thought to himself for the correct answer. After a moment of silence he spoke ..

"I don't deserve her .." He replied, honestly ..

Those words pretty much summed up everything.
It was the truth, she would do anything for him.
And by mistake, he always sabotaged what they had.
He was selfish, ruthless, arrogant, violent, nonchalant and he had a major God Complex but obviously Paris saw something else in him. But he didn't see what.

She was his weakness and his strength.
Paris didn't understand the kind of power she held in her hand, because he kept it that way.

How much he loved her was dangerous.
Too dangerous.

"So prove that you do .. you don't walk away .." Natalia replied ..

He smiled and returned his attention back to his phone ..

"You better hurry up, I think she's starting to like that Xavier dude .." She said ..

"She can do what she wanna do .." He said, nonchalantly ..

Natalia smirked, she gave him a long hard stare before putting her AirPods in her ears ..

"You sayin that now .." She said, turning her music on .. She returned her attention back to the clouds and closed her eyes ..



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