Part 200: The Ending

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This is an important notice and I hope you would read this.

Okay, so where do I start? *taps feet on the floor impatiently*

Well, you see, I tried uploading chapter 185 earlier and I kept on pressing the "new part" button so I could paste the documented part I have written. However, nothing happened.

When I tried it on my phone, it said that I have reached the maximum number of parts for the story and I finally learned why I could not create a new chapter here in LITPOF.

200 is the maximum number of parts and we have already reached 200.

Luckily, there were two empty drafts that I overlooked months ago and I deleted them that's why I can still upload chapter 185 and the end of another arc.

I do not want to delete any chapters (even my author's notes and ramblings because they were entertaining hehe :3)

I know I've said that this would be the last arc but I am not happy with ending LITPOF hanging with no proper ending so I opted to close the book with the ending of the Revelations Arc. 

And so - of course, I do not want to see you guys sad and I wanted to see the ending with y'all.

I have published another book and that would be the final book. 

I thought, too, that it will only be the "Fate Duology" but I guess it will now turn into the "Fate Trilogy". 

Regardless of the restrictions, let us continue our journey in another book as we start the final arc of the story in the final book.

You can check it out on my profile ;D.

Best wishes,


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