Chapter 4 - Returned

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A/N: I was listening to the music I attached in the media when I wrote this so I suggest you do too so you can have a better reading experience! :D (It's 'Protectors of the Earth' from YouTube!)

I'll tell you when to play it.


"Your magic is impressive" the stranger wearing a black cloak spoke calmly to Noah.

The mage had a dumbfounded look as he stared at Pier and the latter only shrugged his shoulders at Noah's stupid look.


"B-Behind you!" 

The undead monster started to act up again and Pier immediately diverted his attention back to the creature.

Noah watched as the stranger had a somehow unusual look on his face that he could not see people would have when fighting something so dire.

'He looks... bored?'  He thought as he watched as another thing caught his attention.

The flame sword that the stranger was holding.

It was his first time seeing a sword that was entirely made out of flames and he was feeling something odd from the fire.

'It's different' He concluded as he watched the stranger dodge the undead monster's other arm.


Pier slashed the undead monsters arms again and he could feel his own magic took a small bit of loss in his every attack.

'Tsk' He clicked his tongue.

Having the phoenix live off in his own body was inconvenient for him because he could not use his spells properly. He could use his fire magic a lot more since Melfar's attribute was fire but his other spells could somehow take a toll on him if he uses it too much.

The monster's arm was immediately cut off as Pier's sword cut it.


The ground started to rumble again and Pier felt the vibration below him.

He crouched down as he pointed his hands on the ground.

"Freeze" He whispered lightly and the ground that he was standing on started to become enveloped in ice.

Noah's eyes went extremely wide when he saw what the stranger did.

'He can use ice magic?' His entire body trembled and he felt his whole world stop at a single spell.

No doubt it was ice magic. 

Ice magic. An elemental magic that was even rarer than wind and fire magic.

Most intermediate and upward tier mages can use wind magic at their disposal but Ice magic was considered to be the type of elemental magic that belonged only to the most special individuals.

His mouth was agape as the rumbling underground ceased and Noah did not see the giant monster worm popping up.

'Did he block the monster with his ice?' He asked himself as he was also standing frozen while the stranger continued to avoid the now armless undead monster.

"You" Pier called and Noah flinched.

He watched as the undead monster now ceased to move as its head was cut and there was an obvious stab in its chest.

"Y-Yes" He stuttered and Pier straightened his cloak.

"Don't tell anyone about my ice magic" Pier spoke and Noah had a confused look on his face.

Lost in the Path of FateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz