Chapter 163 - Locked Up

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Elena shifted in her cell. No matter how hard she tried to let herself feel comfortable, she couldn't. The eerie feeling of something crawling up her neck and probably biting her was immense. She couldn't shake it away nor try to ignore it.

Living the life of a golden child that had a golden spoon to accompany it with, she never spent a single night in a place where she was uncomfortable. Only during the moments she was desperate enough to not let the Crown Prince spend the time away with the young master on their trip to the Eastern District did she experience such horrendous sleep.

Now she was experiencing it again because of the same person.

She hated it. She did not like it one bit.

It had been more than a month now since she was locked up. She lost the reality of time and the count of days that passed. It felt like her world was slowly crumbling down and was on the verge of destruction.

But she could not lose hope. Not now, not ever.

There was still someone out there who would be able to help her get out of the creepy dungeon where she had been locked up.

That's right.

"Wake him up," Her gaze instantly drifted towards the people who entered the dungeon. Her eyes gleamed and sparkled in hopes that it was the person she was expecting.

But it wasn't. A small amount of disappointment coursed through her body that had many rashes and insect bites.

Nevertheless, she still had that sparkle and gleam in her eyes that aspire something will change despite the person himself detaining her in the cramped space meant for criminals.

There, accompanied by his trusted knights and a few nobles who survived the invasion of the enemy empire, stood the Crown Prince of the Taron Kingdom.

Elena had not seen Asher for weeks.


The metal door of the cell was opened and the knights entered with ease. Immediately, a man inside started shouting at the top of his lungs.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" His voice was laced with fear.

"I HAVEN'T FINISHED PRAYING TO MY GODS YET! LET ME GO!" Caspian screamed once more while trying to resist the knights that dragged him out of his cell.

"MY GODS! KING PIER! KING CIARAN! SPARE ME! I WILL FINISH MY PRAYERS!" Elena watched with a trembling gaze as the former Crown Prince's attendant looked insane. His hair was disheveled as he tried to clasp his hands together in an attempt to continue praying.

"Your highness! This is an atrocity! My gods will punish this kingdom once more for interrupting my prayers! You have done them great sin!" Caspian's voice got smaller and smaller as he was carried out of the dungeon.

Elena also saw how Asher's face was contorted into a frustrated expression. The prince's eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were slightly downturned.

"We will take him to the palace, your highness," one knight informed Asher and the prince nodded his head. Soon, all that was left were him and Elena.

Silence ensued the both of them as Asher was still facing the now closed cell of the detained attendant.

"Your highness..." Elena broke the awkward atmosphere. Her voice was small and trembling. The fragile tone strung the prince's emotions a little bit.

But Asher did not respond. Instead, the prince turned his back on her and was about to take strides out of the prison.

"Your highness!" Elena called out louder making Asher halt in his steps.

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