Chapter 176 - Family

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Furrowing his eyebrows, Pier glared at the man that was tiredly lying on the sand beside him.

"You're literally turning into a devil right now and you still want to have sex?" He asked; baffled by how horny Ciaran is.

"Why... cough! Why not? If we can, we should... cough! cough!" He was heaving his chest like an old man meeting his last-second with how much he coughed.

Sighing, Pier shook his head in disagreement as he analyzed his magic.

It was still low but after resting for quite some time, he had replenished a considerable amount for some convenient spells. He manifested his flame magic and surrounded the both of them.

Flame bubbles instantly covered the vampire king and Pier wherein the wet and cold feeling started to disappear. Their clothes dried and smoke rose from their bodies as the water evaporated.

"You're insatiable," Pier grumbled under his breath while looking at his lover.

"What... are those marks?" He hesitated to ask but did so anyway. Every time he saw the vampire king with the same appearance right now, Ciaran was either struggling or having a hard time.

He did not like it.

"I... cough!" Ciaran coughed again and Pier took the initiative to raise the man's head and instead place it on his lap where it would be more comfortable than laying on the sand.

"Speak clearly, Fenrir," Pier spoke with a threatening voice as he demanded an answer.

Though he was serious about not letting Ciaran have his way always, it was the vampire king who gave him the condition and Pier saw the determination the latter held when he spoke about the wishes one would acquire in the duel.

Pier never thought Ciaran would go into such extreme measures of using whatever hidden magic power he had just so he could win against Pier and gain the favor of having a child.

"C-Chill out, my love! I... haah..." Ciaran breathed hard as the black veins in his entire body pulsed and a surge of pain encompassed him.

"Chill out, he says. What if I freeze your body so you would then chill?" Rolling his eyes, Pier lightly flicked Ciaran's forehead but soon started combing it with his fingers.

"I... I got this magic... back in the b-boundary..." Ciaran started to explain wherein Pier listened attentively.

"I was... cough! I entered the forbidden region-" He did not even get to finish his sentence when Pier's fingers gripped his hair and pulled at it quite strongly.

"That hurts!" The vampire king complained.

"Forbidden region? Fenrir, there's a reason why it is forbidden!" Pier glared at him but the man only sheepishly smiled in return.

"Yes. I'm sorry. However, I needed to enter because I... cough... I need to turn a dead creature into a shadow," he spoke and nuzzled his face on Pier's now dry clothes. The warm feeling of his lover's body near him was putting the man into tranquility.


"A... candidate. A candidate was killed by the other candidates of darkness. I turned that dead candidate's soul into my shadow." Ciaran turned to look up and saw that Pier was looking at him intently.

Candidates and sovereigns. Pier had the general idea and it was quite simple. Those who are powerful enough to be the strongest amongst everyone else are considered to be candidates.

They need to eliminate the others for them to achieve the title of being the sovereign. Ciaran could not escape it either that's why they opted to act on it rather than wait. Because Ciaran became stronger, he was bound to become a candidate of darkness and the other candidates will definitely look for him if he doesn't go to them first.

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