Chapter 72 - Winged Creature (2)

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A/N: Was listening to the music I attached in the media and I suggest you guys do so too for a better reading experience.


Wyverns are mythical creatures that are said to be the descendant of dragons.

They inherited their ancestor's original build, scales, as well as the ferocity it possessed. Wyverns are natural predators in nature. They are at the top of the monster food chain along with the other mythical classes such as phoenixes, dragons, and even fairies.

Their sharp claws are able to penetrate even the strongest type of wood and was known to break the hardest rock. These winged beasts, though smaller than dragons, have insatiable hunger and are far more ferocious than its ancestors.

"Wyverns... these annoying brats." Melfar commented in Pier's head.

They were known to terrorize the Southern Skies and threaten the flaming bird's position.

Though they do not possess any significant magical abilities like dragons, they still are to be feared off by those weaker than them.

Pier stretched the bow's string and he aimed at the wyvern's head. The arrow made from wind magic glowing so bright that it even was even brighter than the ball of fire floating at the top of the cave.

He released the arrow and then;

"GAAARGH!" It roared and the entire place shook.

How long has it been already? An hour or two?

No, it had just been a few minutes in reality. It felt so long dodging and creating wind arrows to pierce the winged beast but to no avail, it did not seem to show any signs of hurt.

Pier thought as he became one with the wind and disappeared from his spot when the wyvern's pointed diamond like tail struck his direction. The impact caused a massive dent in the cave's walls.

"How do I defeat a wyvern?" He asked the phoenix living inside of him and Melfar responded after a short while.

"I just beat them up until they go home crying." It spoke which caused Pier to sweat drop at the statement.

He concluded that Melfar was definitely a bully to the other creatures that it found unpleasant.

The young master manifested his wind arrow again and stretched the bow he was holding on the other hand.


The wyvern continued to rage as the annoying prickle like sensation of the magic tried to pierce its head once more.

Pier's eyebrows were furrowed as he breathed hard.

A wyvern's skin is very thick and it was highly resistant to magic that could not overwhelm its size.

'Think, Pier, think!' He urged himself as he landed on the initial cliff he was at before he fought with the creature.

He could not come close because even though he had his swords, he felt like he would be swept away by the force it was exerting in every attack.

"It's strong." He commented as the crown at the top of his head glowed further and he exerted even more magic power.

"Of course. They are the descendants of dragons after all." The mythical creature inside him spoke and Pier huffed in frustration.

The entire cave was shaking all the time as the wyvern struck the annoying pest that kept on attacking it with magic arrows.

Pier raised his hands up in the air where his ball of fire was located.

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