Chapter 105 - Alexander

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TW: Reader discretion is advised.


"Behead them." The king spoke as many men were lined up in the elevated platform. Their heads were all wrapped in a brown sack with no room to breathe and clothes were not an option for them either.


The crowd cheered at the king's decision.

Heron Kingdom was a medium sized territory located in between the southernmost part of the eastern continent and was next to the Taron Kingdom.

It was a land that utilizes holy magic and was known to be the Kingdom of Holiness.

One by one, the heads of the people lined up were sliced directly across the neck and it rolled on to the platform.

Everyone watched that with excitement in their eyes.

The punishment even for the smallest of sin would be death.

That's how things go in the Heron Kingdom.

"H-Hey, what's your sin?" The final naked man on the line of execution asked the one beside him.

"I... I stole something from the market. I cannot feed my family any longer... They would starve to death if I were to leave them!" The man cried and so did the one on the final sequence.

It could be granted with parole in exchange for a fine in other kingdoms but in the Heron Kingdom, all sins have the same weight.

Stealing even a copper coin is as heavy as murder.

That's what people believed in the place.

"I-I want to see my family too before I die." He wept while speaking to the man beside him.

But there was no response.

The only thing he heard was something falling on the ground and rolling at his knees.

"H-Hey...?" He tried to ask the second to the last man again but instead, he was responded with something heavy leaning on his shoulder.

"Huh...?" He shivered when he felt that it was a body but there was no head.

Fear crept up his face and despite him wearing the sack cover in his head, he was still able to produce a scream before-


The final head rolled on the ground and his body dropped on the floor.

It was complete massacre.

"Woooh!" The people around the now cold bodies cheered once more when they saw that the last criminals had died.

In the span of twenty years, Heron Kingdom rose into fame for being a ruthless yet upright kingdom.

No one really had any clue as to how Heron Kingdom became a kingdom in the first place. All that everyone knew was a new kingdom had risen on the south and it was flourishing at a quick rate.

Of course, Taron and the surrounding territories took interest in the newfound place.

"Bring in the new servants!" The knight ordered and people made way once more when the other soldiers started dragging people to the elevated platform where the beheading had previously taken place.

They all grimaced when they saw the supposedly new servants they found through different means.

Some had huge scars on their bodies, some looked they were to the point of dying.

The King watched as every person was brought on to the platform with keen eyes.

Just like the beheaded criminals, every servant being dragged by the knights wore a brown sack over their heads but this time, they were lucky enough to be allowed in wearing clothes.

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