Chapter 107 - Fated

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He stood on a field of grass while watching the blue sky above him.

"It's beautiful." His small hands reached out to the heavens.

Wind brushed past him and the grass swayed along with the breeze. It was relaxing.

The sun was shining down on him lightly and it brought warmth in his cold body. He liked it very much.

How long was it since he last experienced this? Probably decades ago. He couldn't quite remember. Too many things happened in his life that he forgot what it felt like to look at the sky with no worries in his chest.

His green eyes sparkled when a ray of sunshine passed through.

"Warm." He started to slowly smile. What could be better than this? There was nothing else.

But an empty feeling still resided inside of him.

"Hmmm?" Turning his head, he halted when he saw someone from far away.

It was also a child like him.

The other person's white hair was fluttering across the warm breeze and his long suit did its part to sway like the grass on the field.

"Who... is that?" He tilted his head to the side in curiosity. He had been constantly coming back here for many days but he never saw someone else.

He was always alone in the dark and scary place when he comes back here but this time, it was daylight.

And another new thing happened.

A person.

Someone else was in his dream and he could not figure out who the person was.

"Hey!" He tried to call but the other child seemed to not hear him since there was no reaction.

"Hey!" His little feet started to carry him where the other child was. He needed to know who the white-haired person was.

Faster and faster until his walk started to turn into running. He did not stop.

Another warm breeze passed him making his brown locks move quite a bit.

Breathing hard, he placed his hands on his knees and he tried to catch it. Running was always hard for him in this place and he also did not know why.

Poking his fingers on the other person's shoulder, he fixed his posture and stood until they were at the same height.

"Hi! I just saw you here..." Of course, he was shy. He was talking to someone in the same age as him, probably.

He watched with curious eyes as the person turned his head towards him.


"Wow..." He breathed when he saw the person's face.

It was really beautiful.

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?" The child inquired and he subconsciously nodded his head.


"You're cute when you were young, Ciaran." The child spoke to him making his eyebrows raise in confusion.

"Ciaran? My name is not Ciaran-" Then he stopped mid-sentence.

The name was familiar.

"Ciaran..." He thought deep while trying to remember where he had heard the name from.

"Haha, you don't remember your name?" The white-haired child asked and he shook his head.

"Ciaran is not my name." He pointed out making the latter chuckle even more.

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