Holiday Special - Gideon

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A/N: Take note that this is a special chapter for the holidays. This is not a part of the original storyline and was simply meant to entertain everyone. This takes place in the modern world where Pier and Gideon shares their Christmas together.


Christmas Special 

"Are you ready for your first day as the young master's body guard?" Gideon gulped in nervousness when he was asked with the question.

"I... I am!" He spoke with resolve making the manager of the person he would be guarding starting from now on.

The young master.

He would be accompanying the young master who was a renowned musical prodigy.

"I wonder what he looks like." Gideon spoke to himself when he was left all alone in the room.

Would it be a grumpy and tired looking dude who plays music for old people at the gathering of elite families?

He was already making so many assumptions in his head and Gideon was nervous.

He had been working as a bodyguard for quite some time now. Protecting many celebrities, idols, actors, actresses, and people of importance with society.

However, it was his first time being assigned to guard someone who exceeded the national boundaries. Being done so, Gideon was anxious about making mistakes while accompanying the supposedly young master.

Sighing, he got up from his seat and went to inspect his image on the mirror.

He was wearing a black suit and his hair was pushed back.

"I hate wearing sunglasses too." He muttered while holding on to the black sunglasses in his hand.

It was snowing for goodness's sake! Who would want to wear sunglasses when the environment was freezing and everything is covered in snow?

'What if I trip and fell on my face first because I could not see my way properly?' He pondered over the thought and soon shivered when thinking about it.

He had been trained for weeks before he was given to job to protect the young master so he knew his skills were enough.

But he can be careless sometimes too and trip on random objects while falling with his face first on the ground.

"The young master had arrived at the lobby, Gideon. You can go now." The guard spoke and immediately.



His heart started beating so fast making Gideon even more anxious.

"My heart went doki doki for a minute there!' He exclaimed before puffing out his chest and confidently walking inside the hotel lobby where the young master would be.

"What do you mean the presidential suite is not available?!"

That was the sentence he immediately heard when he arrived at the lobby. It was the manager he had been talking to earlier and Gideon's ears perked up when he heard another sound.

"I-I'm really sorry! There was a leakage on the pipes that connects to the presidential suite and needed to be fixed immediately. If you can just wait for an hour or two-"

"We cannot wait for an hour or two! Do you even know who's going to stay in the presidential suite? It would be Pier Belmiunde! We can't let him wait for an hour or two!" The manager started nagging at the front desk of the hotel and Gideon became conscious.

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