Chapter 120 - Prince of the Empire

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A/N: Song is "Close to You" the piano cover by Riyandi Kusuma on YouTube! You can listen to it while reading the chapter for a better reading experience. 


Prince Tyron rode on his horse as he was accompanied by knights and mages on either side.

They were on an inspection to the outskirts of the empire where crime is rampant.

"I am telling you, Ty! I have met the most beautiful man in the world!" Count Winston's words rang in his ear but Prince Tyron's eyebrows furrowed in displease.

"I told you to address me as 'your highness' when we are outside, Count Winston." He sighed before going to the topic Winston had been speaking of since earlier.

"Besides, men are not my cup of tea." He shivered in disgust at the thought of sharing sensual passion with men who probably had the same genitalia as him.

Not that he was against it in general, it was simply his preference.

"And Lumia will not be pleased the moment she hears your words of whispers towards me and that beautiful man you are speaking of, Count." Tyron heard the count beside him sigh in defeat.

Count Winston was always fond of beautiful things and it was the first time he heard the man speak about such beautiful man he saw earlier.

"I will show you when we return to the estate! You will surely change your mind the moment you see him!" Winston spoke as if it was sure that Tyron will definitely change his preferences.

But Tyron was simply letting Winston's words pass through his ear.

He was the first prince of the Cresencia Empire and was already bound to marry a high-ranking noble woman that the empire already considers a princess and soon the empress.

"I wonder where he got those jewels he was wearing. They were very pretty too." But that specific sentence caught his attention.


Winston nodded his head.

"Yes. That beautiful man was wearing extremely beautiful jewels. From head to toe, he was adorned with so much of those that he was practically glowing!"


He had given so many things for his soon to be wedded but it seemed like Lumia was still not satisfied with any of it.

"What kind of jewels does he have?" He dared to inquire and Winston's eyes sparked in amusement the moment he knew he caught Prince Tyron's attention.

The prince was known to be completely devoted with his soon to be married fiancé and was always giving her gifts. Jewels, buildings, and many more, Prince Tyron had given it to Lumia.

"There were small blue diamonds attached on silver clips that were gently placed in his hair. Another one was a golden ring that had intricate carvings that resembles a mythical creature and had a bigger white diamond in the center too!" Winston started to speak and Tyron listened attentively.

"He was also wearing foot bracelets that had sapphire and diamond stones dangling. It perfectly suits him!" Excited with his story-telling, Winston kept on blabbering about the beautiful man who wore expensive jewels on his body.

'Maybe I can buy it from him. I'll give them as presents for Lumia.' He raised his gaze and looked at the cloudy skies.

"Where did you find this man, Winston? I do not recall knowing any noble man from the Empire that caught your attention this much." He asked the Count and Winston instantly responded.

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