Chapter 177 - Anniversary

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A/N: Don't be confused with the dialogues. I constantly switch from first-person POV (Ciaran's POV) and third person (the normal way I write/narrate the story).

Also, mature content is ahead. Skip if you are uncomfortable reading such things.


Ciaran's POV

His gaze lingered on me and I unconsciously smiled at the action.

God, he's so beautiful.

"Please? I used all of my magic to defeat you in that duel," I spoke with a sad tone and it seems to have worked on him as he averted his eyes for a short moment.

I want him. I want Pier.

"We're in the middle of nowhere, Ciaran," he responded as he did not know where he was.

Of course, he doesn't. How can he know an island I've purposely located just for him? No one else knows this. Not even the humans on the eastern continent.

But that doesn't matter right now. Looking at his face, I want to devour him.

"Do not worry. As I have said, I have unleashed a few shadows that could guard from far away," I reassured him and his eyes turned soft for a moment.


Come to me, my beloved, and I shall claim your body.

The thought made me produce a scoff as I needed to act hurt and sickly in front of him.

Control yourself, Ciaran, you can't laugh, or else he won't have sex with you!

There were still doubts on his face but I cannot lose this battle. Not after going all this far to have another child with him.

My lover, my fiancé, my love.

"I..." He groaned and I know I was slowly winning. Just a little bit more!

"Please, my love?'

"Why do we need to have sex anyway? You'll be in much more pain if you move your body!" He tried to reason out with me but I already planned everything out.

"F-Feeling your warmth wrapped around me... your body against mine... I feel like that could heal me faster, my love." He squinted his eyes in distrust.

If it were back to the time I first acquired the basilisk, I might have truly been in pain. However, it disappeared hours ago after we finished dueling because of the hydra's regeneration capabilities.

Something I have not yet told Pier I have acquired along with the poison.

I promise I'll tell him soon but not now.

He was silent for a few minutes before he finally gave up; making me grin inwardly in joy.

"I better not hear you groan in pain or else..." Cute. His threats were cute enough for me to get flustered.

Ah, Pier. Why? Why are you so gorgeous?

I raised my body from lying on the sand and sat on the sandy shore. With my arms and body leaned back, I imitated a pained expression when I did so which alerted him.

"Fenrir!" His voice was in a panic.

"My love... please come near me..." I lowered my head in sadness.

Come near me, Pier, let me taste your lips.

"Hey, are you okay?! Where is it hurting?" He asked and checked my arms, legs, and even my face.

Heh. Look at him, my lover. He's fawning over me like a mother hen. But I'm sorry, Pier, I do not need a mother hen at the moment.

"I... Can we kiss?" I asked him directly and he paused while looking straight into my eyes. His blue eyes were crystal clear and wonderful.

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