Chapter 101 - Ocean Eyes

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A/N: Song for this chapter is "Ocean Eyes" by Billie Eilish. You can listen to it on repeat as you read the chapter for a better reading experience. Enjoy!


"Where is the young master?" Gideon inquired but Ciaran only kept silent.

They were now at Pier's designated room in the palace along with Martha, the three servants, and Caleb.

To say that they were terrified was an understatement. The three servants, Susan, Beth, and Lydia were shaking in their spots as they observed the man who had an astounding figure and an aura that reeks of death.

Even fools could easily identify that Ciaran was an evil being.

Martha and Caleb on the other hand were silent and keen. They were watching the exchange between Gideon and the strange man who appeared out of nowhere.

In a simple conclusion, Gideon was not in favor with the man and same goes for the other way round. All the while, Ciaran only looked at them for a single moment and that was when he spoke about his intentions.

They will be going where Pier was.

Who knows where it could be? In the afterlife? That doesn't seem to be the case since they saw that Gideon was somehow familiar with the man.

Black smoke erupted from Ciaran's feet and the three servants all made a disturbed noise as they flinched in surprise.

It was eerie and horrifying.

Gideon gritted his teeth again in displease.

He never liked the vampire but because his master favors the creature, Gideon could not act out.

The entire room was filled with the black smoke after a few seconds and Gideon clenched his hands.


Where could the young master be now? Was he safe? Does he have any clothes with him?

That was also the purpose of the bag he was carrying right now. These were all the young master's clothes. Gideon needed to assure that Pier was at the best state despite blatantly leaving the kingdom on his own will.

Of course, the others carried their belongings as well. Each of them had small bags since they feared opposing the strange man who wore fine and luxurious clothes.

"Close your eyes. You will get dizzy since it is your first time being teleported." Ciaran spoke monotonously and one by one, the humans with him followed his orders. The last person to close his eyes was Gideon.

The cold wind brushed past them.

In a single second, they felt the liberating yet fear-instilling zephyr caress their bodies making shivers run down their spine.

Slowly, they all opened their eyes.

The first one to react was the youngest among the group.

Caleb made a sound of awe when he saw what was in front of them.

"This is..." Gideon trailed off when he knew what the place was. But he did not expect to see something new.

They were in front of a giant structure.

A fort that could seemingly withstand even the strongest earthquakes and the harshest seasons, a giant building that exceeded even the most prestigious ones at the kingdom.

"A palace..." He spoke with wide eyes.

"Is this where the young master is?" Martha asked with a low and careful voice. She too was enamored with the elegant and luxurious place.

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