Bonus Chapter - Hannah POV

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Bonus Chapter – Hannah POV

The Very Beginning


When I drive to your place

Crash and burn

Are we still okay?

They say that people who are mean have a reason to be mean.

I would never consider myself to be a bully, but everyone else did.

So here we are.

I wish I could go back in time

I swear I would have treated him better.

And now he was gone.

From the very first day I saw him, I feel in love with him.

Yes, I know what I said, and I know what I did, but I regret it.

Sorry doesn't cut it.

So I'm gonna tell you my whole story.

Ever since I was little, everyone always criticized me. They didn't like that I was the daughter of a rich family and I had everything while they had nothing.

But that's never what I wanted. All I ever wanted for to be loved by someone.

My parents were always busy, and no one would play with me.

As a child, I got everything I wanted. Toys, books, dresses, friends, popularity... but no one loved me for who I was. They friended me because I was popular and rich. They thought if they became my friend, I would buy fancy stuff for them.

I tried not to let it bother me. But it did. More than I wanted to admit.

And then I met him.

Sea green eyes I fell in love with immediately. The messy but sexy black hair that looked good when it was wet. The sassy boy who never cared about anything. 

Lie awake just
Thinking about
Thinking about you

Percy Jackson.

I fell in love with him the first time I saw him.

He was at the park, hanging out with pretty brown-haired girl, a girl with choppy brown hair, and another girl who had spiky black hair.

He was laughing with a boy who looked like a goat and another boy with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Give me my cookies!" the sea green eyed boy whined.

"Nah," the goat boy teased. "I want to eat them."

"My mom made them," the boy whined.

"Exactly," the blonde boy said. "So you should give them to your guests and get your mom to make more."

"Silena," the black-haired boy complained. "Make them give my cookie back."

"Guys, give our little baby boy his cookie back," the girl – Silena, ordered.

"Man," the blonde boy said. "Go whine to your mommy, why don't you?"

The boy snatched the cookie and started munching on it messily.

And then he saw me and his mouth dropped open.

He stared at me and everyone else turned to me too.

"Damn," Goat boy said. "She's hot."

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