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The First Meeting


Percy POV

I fell asleep on Katie's shoulder, I have to admit, she's quite comfy. 

I didn't like sleeping in other people's houses because it felt weird, but I was just so tired. 

I slept peacefully for a few minutes before I had a flashback. It was a flashback of what happened years ago, but I could still remember it so vividly like it was just yesterday. 

I was 13 years old, I was sitting on the park bench thinking about life. Thinking about how life would be like if I just gave up all my responsibilities. About how it would be like if I wasn't considered the 'popular' kid. 

A girl came up to me, "Can I join you?" she asked. 

I smiled, "Sure." 

The girl had dark black ringlet hair, warm brown eyes, and plenty or jewelry and makeup. The first thing I registered about the girl is that she smelled like nutmeg and pine. 

"You're Percy, right?"  she asked.

I nodded. "How do you know my name?" 

She laughed. "Everyone knows your name. You're like the king of the school!" 

I laughed weakly. "That's what everyone thinks."

"You don't?" 

I sighed. "I just wish people would see me as myself other than the guy with super awesome looks." 

She giggled. "You do have super awesome looks." 

I flashed a smile. "You calling me hot?"

She laughed, then slapped me gently. 

"Ow," I said in mock pain. 

"Aww, is little Percy hurt?" 

I laughed. "I didn't catch your name."

"Oh, I'm Drew. Drew Tanaka. At your service," she said, bowing dramatically. 

"I haven't seen you around the school, are you new?" 

She nodded. "My family moved here a few months ago. I'm starting school tomorrow. I'm going to Goode High School."

"Hey, that's where I'm going!" I said. "We could be friends!" 


I nodded. 

"Yay! I'd love that!" 

"Wait... how do you know I'm the King of the school if you've never been there?" 

"Ooh, smart one, aren't you?" 

I laughed. "Just in some cases."

"I have magical ears that allow me to hear 100 miles away," she joked. 

"Oh my gosh, really?" I asked. 

She laughed. "I'm just joking, silly. People talk... really loudly," she said. 

"I knew that. I was being sarcastic," I mumbled. 

"Sure you were." 

"Do you want to go get ice cream?"  I asked. 

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