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Never The Same


Thalia POV

If I told you that I was sorry about making Percy go into the water, I would be lying. 

Well... maybe I do feel kinda bad, just a little. Not even that much. 

And you're probably thinking, 'Thalia! He's your cousin! Don't be so rude!' Then yeah, I do kinda agree with you. But there's a reason, I promise. 

Percy and me were best friends a few years ago. Inseparable. We did everything and anything together, but then I started to realize that he was just too crazy and reckless. And one day, he just wasn't the same anymore, and I didn't know why. And he also spilt my secret. The one I told him not to say. But there's a lot more to that than it seems...

4 years ago

"Catch me if you can!" a boy with messy black hair shouted. 

"That's not fair! You got a head start!" the spiky haired girl yelled. 

The boy laughed. "Better catch up then!" 

The girl groaned. 

"Come on, Thalia, what's taking so long? I'm already here!" 

The girl, me, Thalia yelled back. "You cheated!" 

"Fine. Whoever climbs that pine tree the fastest wins!"  the boy smirked. 

"Percy!" I complained. 

"Aww, is little Thalia backing out already?" Percy grinned. 

"What? No! Never!" I said, a little defensively. 

"First one up wins! Loser owes the other person ice cream!" Percy said. "Three... two... one... go!" 

He began climbing. There was no doubt Percy was going to win. He always did. He was always so good in everything physical. His studies and grades... not so much. He was good looking too, no one could deny that, and no, I do not like him like that, thank you very much. He's my cousin, for Gods sake!

A lot of girls liked him, maybe even some guys too, but Percy never showed any interest in any of them. Except for one. Hannah McIntosh. Percy loved her, I could see it in his eyes. Percy rarely loved any girls, especially the ones at school, all for the same reason. He didn't want them to like them only for his looks. But he loved Hannah. They had been friends for a long time, and Percy trusted her with all his heart. But, as we should all know by now:

Nothing good lasts forever. 

And it didn't. I didn't know the specific details of their relationship, but I did know that Percy loved her and that she loved him. At least that's what I thought. 

"Come on, Thales! What's taking so long?!" Percy shouted from all the way up there. "It's a great view up here!" 

Well, I guess I should mention that I was scared of heights. But, my fatal flaw was ambition which meant that I desired power even though I didn't need it. And I wanted to prove that I wasn't scared. It could ruin my fearless reputation. 

I climbed, so slowly, and after what seemed like an hour, I finally reached where Percy was. 

Percy fake yawned. "Finally, Thales. I thought I was going to die of old age by the time you got here."

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