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The Breakup


Annabeth POV

It had been a week now, which meant Percy could go to school. He claimed he was feeling better but something in his actions just didn't look right. The way he would lean against the wall after walking. The way his eyes were unfocused. The way he would clutch his stomach every now and then and assure everyone he was fine. 

But the worst part was his face. Don't get me wrong. Percy had always been a very, very handsome boy. But now, every time we saw him, his face was swollen and red. His eyes were puffy from crying, and his face was always tear stained. 

Only few people knew why. Drew. Ever since Percy saw Drew kissing Luke, he had been a emotional wreck. He never teased anyone anymore and he kept to himself. The few times we had gone over to his house, his room was a mess again. With torn photographs and pieces of paper lying all over his room, you could tell how much the picture affected him. 

In my opinion, Drew was never a good girlfriend. Sure, somethings she did were good but overall? I was questioning why Percy was even dating her. She didn't even reach out when her boyfriend was sick and ask him if he was all right. She always argued with him when she knew he wasn't feeling well. In my opinion, she sucked. No offense Drew. 

So, today was Percy's first day back at school. Boy, he was starting to look like Nico! He was dressed in all black. A black hoodie, black sweatpants, black shoes, and black everything! He had his hood up his hands were in his pockets. Sure enough, when we saw him, his face and eyes were red. I could tell he didn't want to be here but he had already missed enough school as it was. 

"Percy!" Jason called out to him. 

Percy looked up and quickly walked over to us. 

"Whoa, you look like a Nico the second or something. But worse!" Thalia said. 

"Hey! Why do I have to be in this?" Nico asked. 

Piper elbowed Thalia. "Ow!" Thalia shouted, rubbing her arm. 

"Shut up!" Piper hissed. 

"How are you doing, Percy?" I asked. 

He shrugged. "Fine." 

None of us look convinced. "Your eyes and face say otherwise," Leo observed. 

Percy just sighed. "Let's just get to class." 

Wow. Percy never wanted to go to class. 

He thrust his hands into his pocket and walked away, leaving us all staring in shock. 

"Something's wrong with him..." Frank said. 

Me, Jason, Thalia, and Piper exchanged glances. "Who wants to tell them?" I asked. "Cause I call dibs on 'not it'." 

Jason sighed and told them how Drew was cheating on him. They all gasped but said nothing. 

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. 

Percy and I shared first period together. We both had Physics with Mrs. Dodds. It was my favorite subject. 

Actually, everything was my favorite subject. 

Everything was going fine until the end of second period class. Percy had already walked out and I was still packing my stuff when I hear yelling. 

"Why are you even here, Drew?" I heard Percy shout. 

Soon You'll Get BetterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz