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The News


Extra long chapter for my extra special readers! :D

One more thing, I did not read Trials of Apollo, so I do not know very well how Percy found out. I'm not going to tell you what he's finding out, so you'll have to read it to find out. But, this is just how he's going to find out in my story so just bear with me okay? 

Percy POV

I didn't go to school the next day. I wasn't feeling very well, so my mom insisted that I stay home. 

Of course, my friends, being the nosy friends they are, asked me where I was. 

I simply told them that I wasn't feeling well, and that I had a stomachache and a headache. It wasn't a lie. 

Katie went to school of course. 

My mom wasn't home today. She had some writers conference she had to go to. 

And Paul went to work, because I convinced him that I was fine. 

But I knew I really wasn't. 

I threw up left and right, I didn't even eat breakfast or dinner. 

My stomach hurt so badly that I had to take some medicine. 

Around noon, Paul came home to check on me. 

I was in the middle of throwing up. 

"Hey, kiddo, how are you feeling?" he asked. 

"Amazing," I said sarcastically. 

"Do you need anything?" he asked. 

I shook my head, then, my stomach cramped again, and I clutched it tightly, "I'm gonna go lie down." 

As soon as I got to my room, I collapsed onto my bed, holding my stomach. 

Gods, I hated this so much. 

Why couldn't I have a normal life? 

I know that Paul was watching me without having to look up. 

I passed out after that, my stomach was hurting so much, and I had a migraine. 


I woke up and immediately had to puke. I bolted upright. 

I grabbed the garbage can and threw up. 

"Are you okay, Percy?" a familiar voice asked. 

I looked up, it was Katie. 

"Katie," I greeted. "What are you doing here?" 

"Your dad thought it would be best if you had someone with you. I volunteered," Katie explained. 

I forced a smile. "I'm fine." 

"You don't look fine," Katie pointed out. 

As if right on cue, my stomach cramped again, and I groaned. 

Katie came over and wrapped me in a hug. "Scoot over." 

I scooted, and boy did that take a lot of effort. 

Katie ran her arm up and down my back, soothingly. 

Suddenly, I had a massive cramp and I let out a small whimper. 

I closed my eyes, and leaned on her. I could feel the sweat forming on my forehead. 

Soon, I felt tears running down my cheeks. 

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