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Annabeth POV

"I don't wanna do this!" I whined.

The girls and I were shopping for prom dresses. Prom was in two weeks, yet the girls acted like it was tomorrow.

"Too bad!" Silena said. "We're doing!"

"Yeah, Annie," Piper added. "Suck it up and deal with it."

I pouted. "Can we go home yet?"

"Oh, God, Annie," Calypso said. "Don't you want to look good for Percy?"

I rolled my eyes, but grudgingly admitted, "Yes."

Calypso huffed in agreement.

I rolled my eyes.

I didn't hate Calypso, but I didn't like her either. Every time she talked about Percy, I had a gut feeling something was wrong. Then again, they did use to date.

Why they broke up, I didn't know.

"So," Thalia said to Calypso. "How's Leo?"

"He's great! He said that he'll wear a orange suit to match my white and gold dress!"

Piper laughed. "Leo's being a gentleman? Never thought I'd live to this day."

I laughed.

"We both said we were going to match and he said he was bringing me flowers." Calypso sighed happily. "Finally someone who's going to stay."

Silena looked at me.


"What?" Silena asked, as if reading my thoughts. "I thought you had Percy?"

Calypso turned and faced her. "Percy and I... we're old news."

"What happened?" Juniper asked. They were best friends, maybe Juniper could get through to reveal her past.

Calypso sighed. "I knew this was going to happen."

"What happened?" Hazel asked again.

"Percy and I met a long time ago. I was living somewhere I couldn't really call home. He was crying when I met him. His dad had died. He was just trying to let out all his emotions without anyone seeing. He has this thing of always wanting to make others feel better. It was a nice, sunny day and I was just sitting there, watering my flowers when I heard the sound of a boy crying."

I looked at Silena but she shook her head. This was the first time she heard about this.

"I walked over to him and - I won't lie - I was shocked by how handsome he looked. I asked him what was wrong, and he jumped, clearly not thinking that anyone was there. I took him inside and I helped him, gave him food, drinks, anything. And eventually... I fell for him. But you have to remember I was only around 11 at that time. I didn't know any better."

Thalia frowned.

"He stayed for a few nights before going back home because he said he was sick and tired of everyone breathing down his neck. He told his mom he was at a friends. And I was overjoyed at the thought of being his friend. So the three nights he stayed, we started getting closer. And my love for him became stronger. But one night, he started talking about his girlfriend. He was going on and on about how she was amazing. And that's when realization hit. He would never, ever love me."

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