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Bad Boy Breaks


Annabeth POV

3 days. Just 3 more days.

I was dying to know what he was planning for us.

Our 3-month anniversary was this Wednesday.

"Can you pay attention, Wise Girl?" Percy asked me.


Luke snorted. "Can you hurry up? I told my dad I'd be home by 11. And it's already 10."

"Shut up," Piper chastised. "What did you expect?"

We were bowling. Percy wanted to go out tonight before his last chemo session.

And I decided to bring Luke along. For the first time in his life, Percy didn't argue.

I asked Piper if she wanted to come and she agreed, but when I asked Silena, she said no. She didn't want to damage her new nails.

Percy was currently leading because he's good at everything.

Luke was second, followed by Piper and me.

Yeah, if it's something active, I suck. I can only do academics.

"Okay," Luke said. "Can you stop staring at Jackson and hurry up? It's your turn."

"You shut your face," I warned.

Luke cracked a smile that.

Pretty sure it was the first one all night. In the whole week.

"Do you guys want something to eat?" Percy asked. "I'm going to get some pizza. Or else I can't eat tomorrow."

I nodded. "I'll come with you."

"No!" Piper whined. "Don't leave me alone with him!"

Luke laughed. "I'm not that bad."

"Yeah, but you're not that good either."

Luke rolled his eyes. "Come on, Princess, let's play."

"Don't call me Princess!" Piper scowled.

Luke just laughed as we left.

"So," I whispered to him. "You gonna tell me what's wrong? Or are we just going to pretend nothing happened."

"Nothing is wrong," Percy insisted. "I'm fine."

"There's something wrong. You didn't even argue when I invited Luke over today."

"I owe him that much," Percy sighed.

"You don't owe him anything. It's not your fault she died."

"Maybe," Percy conceded. "But if I didn't refuse to give Luke his goggles and tell him to get his mom to bring it then she wouldn't have died. It's technically still my fault."

I paused for a moment. I knew him well enough to know that that wasn't the only thing bothering him tonight.

Ever since the funeral, he hadn't been the same.

"It's not your fault," I promised. "And you and I both know that there's more bothering you."

"I'm fine."

"What can I get you?" the lady asked.

"4 hotdogs, 4 french fries... some skittles, and chocolates, please," Percy ordered.

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