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Secret's Out


Percy POV

"I'll be fine," I said, exasperated.

"Percy, you know you'll be on chemo," mom said.

"It's two games!" I cried. "For Gods sake, are you the one with cancer, or am I?"

"Percy," Annabeth said, grabbing my arm.

We were in the middle of an argument. Our baseball team had made it to regionals, and they were going to California.

There was no way I wasn't going. It was a big deal; a ton of scouts would be there. And some teachers from universities.

"I'm fine," I said harshly, pulling away. I turned back to my mom. "I'm going."

"Why don't we see what your doctor has to say about this?" mom suggested.

I groaned. "Gods, mom. I'll be fine!"

"You can barely get out of bed before noon on chemo," Annabeth said quietly. "Are you sure you can handle it?"

I snapped my head towards her. "Whose side are you on?"

"I'm neutral," Annabeth said. "I'll support whatever decision you choose, but I agree with Sally. You're going to be on chemo. Do you really think you can handle it?"

"I'll be fine," I said harshly.

Mom sighed. "I understand what you want to do, Percy. I'm just scared that something's going to go wrong."

I leaned over and kissed her. "Nothing's going to go wrong."

"You're on chemo," she reminded me. "We both know that you get extremely tired on chemo. If you weren't on the double dose, then sure. But this is double dose, Percy."

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "I'll be fine."

I was getting tired of repeating that over and over again.

"Okay," Paul said finally. "Why don't we talk to your doctor about this?"

I rolled my eyes, but I knew that was the best offer I was going to get. I slumped in my seat. "Fine."

Annabeth pulled me closer and kissed me. "You know they want what's best for you."

"I know," I said. "It's just really frustrating, you know? I can't do anything."

She nodded. "I understand, but you have to do what's best for your health. Your health is more important than a football game."

It's not just a football game

But I didn't say that aloud because I wasn't looking for a fight.

Annabeth fiddled with the ring on her finger.

"That looks amazing on you, dear!" mom complimented.

Annabeth blushed. "Thank you, Sally. I have an amazing boyfriend who gave it to me."

I looked up. "What someone more amazing than me?" I teased.

She laughed. "I got you one too."

"No, you didn't," I deadpanned.

"I did." She reached into her pocket pulling out a box. "Percy Jackson, I promise to love you forever and always."

I smiled.

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