"Why would you do that? Why didn't you destroy the stone yourself when you had it with you?" I yelled in exasperation.

"If it was in my hands I would have but the stones couldn't be activated and destroyed if it's not from the Kim's bloodline and therefore, they are the only ones who can either use it or destroy it." Jin said as his face grew pensive, "If we didn't do anything to stop him right now then all the kingdom will fall again. It has happened before, leading the empires to fall into the depths of darkness with him and I am afraid it will happen again the darkness stone was just a small glimpse of what he will become next."

"Yeah we saw the trailer." Baekhyun said as his lips turned into thin lines.

"What will he become?" I asked as my face haggard with worry, and took heavy breaths.

"If he held the Staff of Tenebrosity for long then he will gradually become a demon himself." Jin replied with grief, my body stiffened as I heard that. Images of Taehyung went through my mind becoming a demon, I shut my eyes and shook my head in horror.

"Oh my-!" Jimin said as his face turned pale.

"No! No we can't let him become that!" I said as I grew more and more pensive, "Isn't there any way to stop Taehyung from becoming that?"

"The stone of divinity can help you purifying his soul, it is found in the Mystic Mountains." Jin replied.

"What about Chanyeol?" Baekhyun asked with brows furrowed.

"His soul is corrupted but his heart is pure thus he never shed the blood of any innocent. It would be easy to bring him back to normal." Jin replied to Baekhyun.

"Go to Mystic Mountains there is a priestess goes by name Hwasa, talk with her regarding the stone and inform that I have sent you." Jin said as his face etched with sorrow, "Save my son, and don't let the history repeat, you three are our last hope."

"His son?" Jimin said as we walked out of the temple and towards the dragon, "What does he meant by that...Taehyung is the son of Kim's right?"

"He meant by the angels." Baekhyun said as we climbed onto the dragon, "Since he is the creator of those angels, he considers Vincent and other angels as his sons."

"Wait-! If Taehyung's past form Vincent was an angel and Jin was the creator so that makes Jin..." Jimin said with widened eyes.

"The deity." Baekhyun said he nodded his head slightly, "Yeah! Some people used to call him that."

We ascended to the Mystic Mountains.


The dragon settled on grounds of the Mystic Mountains and we climbed down. There is a cave in the middle of the mountains, we walked inside and saw three-four priestesses, there was a statue of an angel in the middle and around it river was flowing, and below the statue stood the Priestess wearing a chiton kept in place at the shoulders by fibulae and at waist by a belt.

We went inside and the priestess drifted on us, "Are you Hwasa?"

She raised an eyebrow at us and glanced at us suspiciously, "Oh we are sent by Jin the Oracle."

She nodded, "What's the purpose to travel here?"

"We are looking for a stone of divinity," I said.

"Oh, so you have come for the trail of divine." She said, our heads titled in confusion.

"Trail? We weren't informed for any trails!" I said with confusion.

"Oh then I suppose you can't get the stone of divinity, you may leave."

"No wait-! what's this trail about?" I asked, she glanced back.

"This trail is for determining whether your soul is pure enough to take the stone with you." She said.

I, Jimin and Baekhyun glanced at each other.

"And what if we failed the test?" Baekhyun asked as he raised a brow at her.

"Then you will stuck inside the Mystic Moutains forever and could never return back." She replied, I felt my stomach churning.

"I don't think Jungkook and I are that pure to pass this trail." Baekhyun said, "Maybe we should let the healer go for the trail!"

"What! I-I don't know if I would be able to return!" Jimin said as he swallowed the lump formed in his throat.

"Come on moth you would be able to do this." Baekhyun said encouraging Jimin.

"Perhaps I should go...if this is the only way to save Taehyung then I must do this." I said as I stepped forward with determination, I can't let him become that demon, never.

"Jungkook-umm I would go." Jimin said as he gave an assured look.

"Are you sure, Jimin!" I asked with frown.

"Yeah...I wanna do something for Tae, he has helped me getting out of so many troubles." Jimin said and glanced at priestess Hwasa, "I would go."

She took an empty leaf looking container and filled it with the river water and sprinkled it on Jimin, "May your soul be protected by the almighty."

And with that the Statue of angel turned and opened a door, "Oh god!"

"Good luck, Jimin." I gave him a short hug and he nodded.

"Good luck moth." Baekhyun said with a slight nod.

Jimin went through the door.

(AN: Please vote and comment.)

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