Chapter 59 | Choose wisely between your love and those children's lives?

Start from the beginning

'I wanted to keep looking at you.' Huang Dewei replied softly but bluntly and Wang Lei was taken by his straightforward confessions. His face slowly turned red with shame. He did not expect to hear those words directly from his mouth since Huang Dewei was usually very shy and regarding these matters.


'Let me just stay here and I will go back to my room in a while, Wang Lei.' Huang Dewei said desperately and Wang Lei nodded his head as his heart skipped a beat and he quickly looked away. He never knew Huang Dewei can be clingy like this. That does not seem like him and that caused a nagging suspicion at the back of Wang Lei's head but he ignored it.

'Just sit down. I will ask Cheng to get the chair for you.' Wang Lei said as he was about to call Cheng but Huang Dewe stopped him

'Don't need it.' Huang Dewei said as he walked towards him and sat down on his lap. Wang Lei's eyes widen while he put Huang Dewei put arms around his neck and put his head over his chest.  Wang Lei gulped in nervously as he looked at him who was looking back towards him

'Do you work and I won't disturb you.' Huang Dewei said and Wang Lei looked away but the question raised in his head that how he can work when he was this close to him. Wang Lei sighed and tried getting back to his work but his presence was distracting him. He could feel his intense gaze on him and that was making Wang Lei conscious. He tried to divert his mind to get back to his work when he felt Huang Dewei softly touching his face. Wang Lei stopped and looked towards him.

'Don't touch me. You are distracting me, Weiwei.' Wang Lei said and Huang Dewei quickly moved away his hand as he spoke

'I apologised.' Wang Lei went back to his work while he could felt his intense deep gaze on him, but he did not touch him again. And somehow Wang Lei regretted him saying not to touch him because he was missing his touch now. He wanted Huang Dewei to touch him but he said nothing.  They sat there in complete silence for a while when Huang Dewei moved and came out from his lap. Wang Lei snapped and looked toward him

'I will be going now...Take care of yourself Wang Lei, Goodbye.' Huang Dewei said gently as he bowed down then turned over and walked out while the way he said goodbye it does not sit well with Wang Lei but he ignored that warning too. He get back to his work but he missed his presence hence he decided he would quickly finish his work and will go back to Huang Dewei. He could not wait to see him like he was already missing him while he just went out a minute ago.

Huang Dewei came back to his room and changed his clothes. The room was half dark with only little light of the moon coming from the outside of the window. He looked at himself in the mirror and he noticed just like Wang Lei, his hairs were also all grown back to being long like it used to be. Then his gaze travel from his hair and stopped on his neck which had still red marked on it. They mark left from their passion love filled night together. 

He breathed in and out as he walked towards the side drawer of his bed and took out a necklace he was keeping safe. It was the same necklace Wang Lei gave him which he never worn it before. He stared at it for a few seconds then he wore that necklace on his neck and put it inside his robe. That will be the only physical memory he will be taking with him which belongs to Wang Lei. He looked at himself again when he heard a sound of step coming behind him. Huang Dewei did not even move as he knew who was there.

'I have been waiting for you.' Huang Dewei said as he looked back towards Lin Han who was looking at him. 

'Have you made your decision?' Lin Han asked getting straight to the point as he looked at Huang Dewei who was all dressed in black. It seemed like he was ready to go somehow.

'Yes, I have made my decision. I will go with you.' Huang Dewei said as he told him about his decision and Lin Han got delighted with his decision as he spoke up

'Are you sure? That could be seen as a betrayal of the Emperor? You will get punished.' Lin Han asked not very concerned at all.

'I thought you said you will protect me.'Huang Dewei taunted him because he does not need his protection. He can protect himself and he was also going with him not because he wanted to. One reason he was going because  he wanted him to stop killing those children anymore. If he can stop more innocent children from being slaughtered then he will sacrifice himself to save more children and the second reason was that he was scared of hurting Wang Lei in his love more in future. He just wanted to get run away from him and that was the best solution he found for himself.

'Well, yes I would. I am happy to see your trust in me.' Lin Han said as he looked around and his gaze fell on the painting picture of Huang Dewei and Wang Lei from their concubine's ceremony.

'Wow, you even have a painting of a picture of you two. I assume his majesty does care about you.' Lin Han said as he looked towards Huang Dewei coldly who said nothing

'Well, I don't like that painting.' Lin Han said hatefully as he took out his sword and walked towards the painting but Huang Dewei quickly moved and stopped in front of him.

'Does anyone ask your opinion if you like it or not? It belongs to me. Don't even dare to touch it.' Huang Dewei said in frigid icy tone as he glared at him and Lin Han was a little surprised over his reaction

'I never expected to see you like this Huang really do like the Emperor, but now unfortunately you have to forgot about him if you want those children not to be killed anymore...Their fate is in your hand.' Lin Han said as he warned him and Huang Dewei bite his lips as he kept glaring at him. Lin Han stared at him and then he moved forward as he put his hand over Huang Dewei's heart

'That heart should belong to me Huang Dewei now. You better choose wisely between your love and those children's lives?' Lin Han said as he smirked and Huang Dewei wanted to break his evil and wicked expression filled face.

'Can't you see that I have already chosen those children's lives.' Huang Dewei said in an icy tone then he moved and got hold of small bags filled with his clothes and put it on his shoulder. They looked at each other then without a word, they moved and jumped out of his room's window and started walking towards their new destination. Gong through up and downs of their new paths, they stopped after hours of foot journey in front of the house which was somewhere in the middle of the forest. It was a small looking house while their were more houses around it. It was not some kind of abandoned house. Huang Dewei in complete silence followed him inside the house as Lin Han took him inside a small room and asked him to stay there while his room was right across from Huang Dewei.

'That's your room. For a while avoid going out and if you need anything just ask me. I am assuming the Emperor will not let go of you easily since you betrayed him hence we have to stay hidden for some time. He will probably send his guard everywhere to find you. Once some time had passed then we will move away from this city to some village across the sea.'Lin Han said as Huang Dewei looked around his new small room while he nodded his head. The room was small with a small bed, cupboard, a side table and a window. Lin Han looked at him then he walked out of the room while Huang Dewei sighed and then walked towards a small window and opened it since he was feeling  suffocated. 

He looked up towards the moon and slowly tears rolled down his face as the realisation hit him that he can no longer see Wang Lei ever again nor he can be with him for the rest of his life now. He left him and he knew for betraying Wang Lei like this, he will never forgive Huang Dewei. He might find him and will even kill him, but he will never forgive him. The way he told him that someone betrayed him in the past and and how he always asked Huang Dewei to always trust him, he wonders what kind of extreme reaction Wang Lei will displayed. But then he also prayed that he hopes that Wang Lei find him and kill him because living without him was hell for Huang Dewei anyway.

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