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Shaurya pleads for Anokhi to tell him not to get married

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Shaurya pleads for Anokhi to tell him not to get married. She doesn't respond and is called away by an usher saying Shagun is asking for Anokhi, so she leaves without a word. However, from her expression — upset, frustrated — we can see she's not going to beg Shaurya to call the wedding off. He registers this too, to his disappointment.

Anokhi's (non)response here confuses me a little. I understand her conflict and why she feels she can't ask him to give up everything for her — but what I don't get is why she looks pissed, as though she's mad that he asked. (In my mind, she should have played this scene as being torn and anguished, and instead it comes off vaguely bitchy.)

F3 share Shaurya's letdown — from their chagrin here and the way they were willing to let him break his own arm, it's obvious they hoped Anokhi could put a stop to this. Meanwhile, the guests wait outside, growing fidgety the longer they are kept waiting, while Shagun sits in her bridal chamber nervously.

Anokhi is led away by the attendant to meet Shagun, but finds herself kidnapped instead — she's grabbed by one guy and shoved into an elevator with several more. MamaSabherwalthen sends Shaurya — still wrestling with his dilemma in the waiting room — a text message with a simple warning: a photo of Anokhi being restrained is accompanied by the words, "The groom is taking too long." Her implication is clear: If Shaurya doesn't go through with the wedding, Anokhi will come to some kind of harm.T

herefore, she smiles smugly when the groomsmen enter the chapel, followed by (a very tense) Shaurya. Next comes the bride, who takes her place by Shaurya at the altar.

The minister begins the ceremony, breezing through the opening. When he gets to the part where he asks for any objectors to speak now or forever hold their peace, he isn't expecting a response and is therefore startled when Shagun raises a hand to get his attention.

The parents are stunned; her father tries to hiss out a warning to her, but Shagun says that she has an objection. She looks around and guesses that there must be others who also have objections, at which point Ahir stands up, followed immediately by Anmol , Yash , and Reema.

Shagun: "I cannot marry Shaurya Sabherwal. No matter how I look at it, I don't think I'm suited for marriage right now. I'm sorry to cause so much trouble with my fickleness. Dad, everything is my fault, so please carry on your business with Sabherwal Group. PresidentSabherwaland Shaurya Sabherwal, I'm truly sorry. Please forgive me."

Tamping down her anger, Madam Sabherwal walks out, followed by the rest of the guests. Confused, Shaurya asks Shagun what she's doing, which she answers with a simple explanation: "I've always been a pretty cool person." Shagun calls her bodyguard Chen to check in on Anokhi, who has been liberated from her kidnappers and is taken to a yacht.

Freed from his obligation, Shaurya dashes out of the chapel to the yacht, where he finds a surprised Anokhi waiting alone.

He grabs her in a relieved hug, and I can't help thinking she doesn't deserve this, seeing as how she put up no fight and hasn't really earned his devotion. Still, the key to enjoying what follows is to accept their happy reunion, so I'm doing my best to let this point go.The yacht sets sail, and from a distance (her hotel room, perhaps), Kitty watches, pleased at this turnout.

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