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The belligerent passenger's suitcase is full of purses and shoes, but she still demands that Anokhi and the guard kneel and beg forgiveness

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The belligerent passenger's suitcase is full of purses and shoes, but she still demands that Anokhi and the guard kneel and beg forgiveness.

When it's discovered that Anokhi was involved, Makkhan accuses her of helping the guard wrestle the passenger to the floor. Though Anokhi tells Kitty that that's not what happened, Young-ran is in no mood to let the matter go.

Makkhan demands to know who the security guard was, but Team Leader Vicky says that he'll handle it. Makkhan informs him that the passenger is the daughter of a congressman and is threatening to sue because she has a cut on her face.

Anokhi defends herself and says that the woman bit the off-duty guard and slapped her first.
Kitty orders them both to stop, and she takes Anokhi aside, where Team Leader Vicky tells her that it's okay and asks who the security guard was. She's reluctant to throw Reema under the bus and just repeats that they only tried to stop the passenger from destroying the customs stickers, and they got verbally abused, slapped, and bitten by her.

Team Leader Vicky says that the woman still got hurt, so he needs to know which guard was involved. With a glance at Anmol (who seems to have figured it out), Anokhi fibs it wasn't someone she knows.

She's sent back to her desk, and Team Leader Vicky says that he thinks she's lying. When he gets free, Anmol calls Reema.

Shaurya watches Anokhi sympathetically when she gets back to her desk. He's the only one who notices when she tears up and gets sniffly. He volunteers to fix the water dispenser in the Immigration office, knowing that the belligerent passenger will be there, and he listens surreptitiously as she takes a call from her lawyer.

Team Leader Ramesh hears the story and goes looking for Kitty . She puts herself physically between him and Anokhi and says calmly that the events haven't been confirmed yet.
But all he cares about is that a congressman's daughter got a teeny scratch and is trying to sue the airport.

He orders Kitty to make Anokhi kneel and apologize, uncaring that Anokhi was attacked first.
Their argument escalates until Anokhi says that she'll go apologize, because the pride of a female employee isn't worth much.

Team Leader Ramesh warns that if she mishandles the apology and the media gets word of this, he'll expect her resignation letter. As they're heading to meet with the passenger, Anmol is on the phone with Reema, who's trying to get back to the airport.

The look on Anokhi 's face is pure misery as the passenger smirks at her.
Hilariously, Shaurya (still working on the water dispenser) runs his electric screwdriver and drowns out Manager Alok's voice, and when Manager Alok addresses him, he's the very picture of innocence.

He does it again, and the look Anokhi gives him is so pitifully grateful for his subversive support, it's heartbreaking.
She remembers him telling her to get rid of things she doesn't like hearing, and that staying quiet won't help her hear what she wants to hear.

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