EPISODE 19: "The thing that exists now, but doesn't exist in the future"

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On the way to his date with Anokhi , Shaurya's arm prosthetic stops working, then becomes more magnetic than it ever has before, attaching itself to a car with a strong enough pull to warp the door and break the window

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On the way to his date with Anokhi , Shaurya's arm prosthetic stops working, then becomes more magnetic than it ever has before, attaching itself to a car with a strong enough pull to warp the door and break the window. Ahir hears the noise and goes to check on Shaurya (he came to the house to confess to Anokhi ).

He finds Shaurya trying to hide on the other side of the car, his right hand bleeding badly. He takes him home to Bartender Shaan, who thanks him and leads Shaurya to his room. When the door opens, Ahir sees something inside that makes him frown.

With the prosthetic off, Shaurya's arm looks worse than before, covered in burns and bruises. Shaurya himself seems to be in shock, shaking and gritting his teeth, and unable to even look at his arm.

Reema tells Anmol that she feels uncomfortable around him, so she wants to switch to a different team.Anmol asks if she thinks he doesn't like her, and she asks why he always interprets her words negatively. He tells her that she should have talked to him instead of just notifying him that she wants off his team.

He says that it's normal to disagree with your superior, but that she wants to be understood when she's not willing to communicate. He refuses her request to change teams, instead telling her that she'll have to work with him until she comes up with an acceptable reason to switch.

Anokhi is waiting at the airport for Shaurya, and Yash corners her, saying that he really wants to clear up the misunderstandings between him and Shaurya and asks for her help. Later she gets a text from Shaurya, regretfully canceling their date and promising to call her later.

No matter how much Shaurya begs, Bartender Shaan firmly refuses to let him wear his prosthetics again until he determines if the problem is mechanical, or a default in the microchip in Shaurya's body. Looking like a sad puppy, Shaurya says that Team Leader Vicky only promised to keep his secret for a month, so he hasn't got much time. Bartender Shaan asks what happens after a month, and Shaurya says that he agreed to quit his job.

Bartender Shaan had warned that he could be risking his health for that one month, but Shaurya had counters that that one month means everything to him. He promises himself that during that month, he's going to do whatever it takes to be remembered by Anokhi as the perfect man.

Anokhi wakes early the next morning to the sounds of Reema exercising.

Reema tells her that her boyfriend left flowers last night, and Anokhi blurts out, "Shaurya came here?" But Reema meant Ahir, and Anokhi 's question tips her off that something is going on between Anokhi and Shaurya like she suspected.

She growls at Anokhi for shouting at her for spreading rumors, and reminds her that she never apologized for the false accusation. Anokhi bows and says she's sorry, but she swears that back then, there really was nothing going on. When Reema asks about now, Anokhi reminds her that it was her request to respect each other's private lives, lol.

With that settled, Anokhi asks who brought the flowers, and she's flummoxed to learn that it was Ahir. She calls him and tells him to buy flowers for someone he likes next time. Boy, she is really dense. Ahir recalls last night, and how he saw Shaurya's wheelchair in his room.

When Anokhi hangs up, a young woman standing nearby calls out her name. Anokhi doesn't look happy to see her old classmate Zooni or to hear that Zooni is at the airport several times a week for her job as a travel agent.

She turns down Zooni's invitation to catch up, but Zooni insists on exchanging phone numbers. She tells Anokhi to meet her for lunch, but all Anokhi can think of is how Zooni used to bully her in school.

Shaurya ignores Bartender Shaan's medical advice again and puts on his prosthetics to go to work. Bartender Shaan guessed this would happen and gives him a portable discharger to use in case of another malfunction, explaining that it will nullify the rogue magnetic pull.

But it will also disable the prosthetics and cause muscle damage, so Bartender Shaan tells Shaurya only to use it in a dire emergency. He asks why Shaurya doesn't just tell Anokhi the truth, but Shaurya doesn't give him an answer.

The atmosphere is super awkward between Anmol and Reema as they walk their rounds.

Anmol witnesses a man pickpocketing a sleepy passenger, and when they confront him, he knocks Anmol down and runs.

Reema chases the pickpocket and sweeps his feet out from under him, but she falls with him and hurts her shoulder.

Anmol sees Reema get hurt, but this time he jumps up and goes after the pickpocket, performing an awesome sliding kick to knock him down. They notify the police, and in the excitement, neither of them notices thatAnmol lost his radio and that it's been picked up by the mysterious airport Uncle.

While Reema is in the bathroom cleaning up her split lip, Anokhi 's classmate Zooni comes in on the phone. She says that she saw a girl she bullied in high school, and that she plans to make Anokhi snag her some Fast Track passes.

Anmol panics when he realizes that he's lost his radio, but no matter how hard he looks, it's nowhere to be found.

Reema tries to contact him when he's not waiting for her outside the restroom, but instead of Anmol, a weird voice sing-songs, "Anmol isn't he-re!"In front of the entire office, Manager Monty yells at Team Leader Tez over recent complaints about the Transportation department. Team Leader Tez says calmly that the complaints are due to the high parking fees, but Manager Monty shouts that that's not good enough.

He wants Team Leader Tez to bring up his Airport Service Quality score, ranting that all Team Leader Tez does is sit at his desk and drink tea. Team Leader Tez slams down his mug and glares, but Manager Monty orders him to start doing a better job.

Feeling bad for Team Leader Tez, Kitty instructs Manager Alok to do a crackdown on illegal limousines today, which was the subject of one of the complaints. Manager Alok tells one of his team to handle it, but the guy whines that it's Transportation's job. Surprising everyone, Shaurya appears and offers to do the job.

Kitty and Bebo follow Team Leader Tez to the break room to check on him, but he says he's used to Manager Monty treating him badly. He looks out the window and admires the beautiful weather, wishing for enough money to take off on a trip somewhere.

Team Leader Vicky takes Anmol to task for losing his radio, as it's a huge security risk. He has the team change their radio frequency and tells Anmol to find his, no matter what. Luckily, Reema tells him that she has good reason to believe his radio is still in the airport.

Anokhi would prefer to avoid Zooni, remembering how Zooni and her minions used to hit and kick her back in school. But she womans up and does her job when she catches Zooni taping signs to a railing, telling her that it's not allowed and refusing to make an exception.

Zooni's friendly smile slips just a little, but she takes the signs down. Anokhi also tells her that she has other plans for lunch, and that she'll never have lunch with Zooni because she'll always have plans. She leaves after ordering Zooni firmly never to call her, telling herself nervously that she did great and it will be fine.

She turns around to see Shaurya, who asks if she knows the woman she was talking to. Anokhi tells him about the taped signs, but she leaves out that Zooni used to bully her. He pouts that she's doing her job well without him, and she jokes that it's because of her strict mentor, who asked her out to dinner then canceled and never called like he promised.

It turns out that they're both on transportation duty, so they head off together. Zooni watches them go, noticing how they smile at each other. Someone else is also watching them over the CCTV cameras and looking unhappy - Ahir.

Anokhi and Shaurya get calls at the exact same time. Anokhi 's call is from Bebo, and when Anokhi says she has no interest in talking, Zooni asks nastily if Shaurya knows about Anokhi 's secret. Shaurya's call is from Ahir, who asks Shaurya to meet him for lunch so they can talk about last night.

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